"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Prologue - Heart Over Matter


When I was 16, the climax of my story came.
I stared at the mirror, in my own reflection, I laughed because I was just looking at a dark haired boy with pinkish white complexion and night dark eyes. Then it happened. My history, my memories are suddenly running fast in my eyes. One question popped into my mind, “Why did I let her go?”
Three years ago, I made a decision that changed the course of my life. I left everything behind, and left my heart to the girl whom I promised my forever. You see, in my young age, I went into many places and a lot of experienced already. Today was the summer solstice. The place was almost deserted; there were only few lovers and individuals here. I walk slowly, the scene was like in the movie, and the place was lovely; old and lovely.
Making my decision built up thousands of “what ifs” that eventually led to millions of “if onlys.” What if I didn’t let her go in the first place, what if I didn’t left that day in the orphanage then maybe the course of my story might be different. I reached for the ring under my shirt; it’s the ring that was given to me by my father. Would this ring really draw her to me? Or Dad was right, it’s only a legend.
I stood in front of the cathedral, I really love this place.
Even after all these years, as days turn to night, as the eternal dance of sun and moon goes on, I still can’t forget the warmth of her arms, the sweetness of her smiles and kisses – she’s still the love of my life.
My friends told me that I’m a fool to do such a decision, my best friends laughed at me, pitied me. But they just don’t get it. They just don’t get my point. Anyway, the last twenty minutes of our deal came. As my watch tick slowly, time unravels fast. Sun turns to moon in an inverted dance, I feel everything went back into place. At that moment, standing still on my ground, I recall all the days of the past, when everything is so much brighter for me.
My name is Lance Robert Vallejo, and this is my story.


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