"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 8 - Heart Over Matter


“So Charles, what do you want to take up for college?” Sandra asked his son as they eat breakfast. “Soon you’ll take up the Cardinal’s Academy entrance exam.”
 “I would like to take up Psychology,” Charles answered. “Or maybe I’d take Computer Science or Marketing.”
“How about you Lance?” Greg asked.
“I want to take up nursing dad,” Lance answered. “Then I want to pursue my dream to be a Psychiatrist.”
“Well, that was nice.” Charles complemented. “I’m sure you’d be successful in your chosen career.”
“Well I think it’s too much,” Sandra said blankly. “My son will take up a four year course while you want to take up 10 year course. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”
“Well, it will still be your decision whatever you want me to take,” Lance said
“I think a two year vocational course is enough, considering the fact that we fed and dressed you up.” Sandra answered.
“Sandra!” Greg exclaimed. “Lance can take any course he likes. If you don’t like to send him to a medical school then you can leave him to me. I can do it without you.”
“I’m just trying to be fare with our son!” Sandra shouted. She stood up, leaving her food unfinished.
She went to their room and sat on their bed. For all over these years I tried to make this family work, but I can’t do it if Lance is here, Sandra thought. Behind Sandra’s beautiful face was a horrible secret she hid for more than 16 years.
She looked at the framed picture at the wall beside her. It was the wedding picture of her and Greg. Though she knew that she’s the one whom Greg married, she knew Greg wasn’t hers alone. His heart and soul belong to someone else. Even all these years, Sandra recalled, Greg still loves her. Even after death you still have his heart Elena.
Sandra closed her eyes, and as everything went dimmer, she can’t help but to think about the time when it was so much brighter.
Year 1987, it was summer. Sandra was walking in the farm of Vallejo’s. His father and Greg’s were colleagues and they were best friends as well. She and Greg grew together. Ever since she could remember, she was already in love with him. Their fathers decided that they will get married when they’re ready. Greg wasn’t vocal about that thing, but Sandra was sure he’s not willing to do it. But Greg’s father was a retired military general, and he trained his children in a military way. They were trained to follow their Dad’s orders, so Sandra was confident about it.
She took a walk in the farm and look for Greg that day when she saw Elena. Elena was Greg’s first love, and she’ll always be Greg’s “The One.”
“Hello,” Elena greeted. Her eyes were brown and her hair was tide in a bun. She was beautiful, her face was angelic. She was the daughter of a farmer and a tailor. Everyone adores her because she’s smart, beautiful and kind.
“What are you doing here?” Sandra asked. They we’re already steadfast rivals in so many factors; Greg, as the most beautiful girl in campus and they we’re both candidate for valedictorian in high school.
“Well, my father’s a farmer here,” Elena answered. “I gave him his lunch sent by my mother.”
“Oh don’t fool me,” Sandra didn’t believe her. “I know you went and see Greg again. Haven’t you accepted the fact that I am the one Greg will marry? You’re a disgusting bitch, Greg is already engage with another woman yet you still see him privately.”
“That’s not true,” Elena said.
“I am not surprised if you’re already got experience. How many guys have used your body huh? 1? 2? Or maybe all the farmers here had taste your body already.”
“My parents raised me with values and manners; I am not that kind of person. Not like you! Everybody in school calls you “the campus’ girlfriend,” because almost every guy in school was your ex-boyfriend.”
“Why you little rat!” Sandra slapped Elena hard in the face. Elena didn’t say anything after that. Her long hair covered her beautiful face and her cheek reddened.
Years went by and they graduated in college and she never saw Elena again, but she knew that Greg was still in a relationship with her.
Year 1994, month was May. Greg was too drunk that he and Sandra had a one night stand. Greg was too upset because he had to leave Elena because he had to marry Sandra. Even if it’s their first time, Sandra got pregnant so the wedding preparations we’re done earlier than what they have planned. They got married after three months, and by the February 20, 1995, she gave birth to Charles.
Charles had complications so he was confined in the hospital for few days. The second night Charles was born, Sandra has to go home to have some rest, she waited for the driver to come and pick her up in front of the gate of the hospital. While waiting outside the Bayambang District Hospital, she saw a pregnant woman walking. The way the woman walk, Sandra guessed she’s in pain.
Sandra approached the woman, but to her surprise it was Elena.
“Sandra, help me.” Elena begged.
Even if Sandra hates her, and she’s her rival, she helped Elena. She has still a heart. Elena was laboring a child. Her water broke and blood was gushing rapidly.
“You’re pregnant,” Sandra said. “You need to go to the Hospital, the baby is coming! Come on quick.”
But Elena was just too weak to stand up now. “Sandra, I have to deliver this baby here. You’ve got to help me.”
“But, I don’t know how to…”
“You have to, please. For my baby,” Elena begged her.
Sandra helped Elena. Elena was pale and Sandra can judge in Elena’s looks that she’s not in the good condition. Then, they heard the baby cried. It was a boy, a beautiful baby boy.
“Sandra,” Elena uttered in a hoarse voice. “Please, take care of my son.”
“Elena I can’t. I have a baby to take care as well.”
“Please, introduce him to his father. Give him to…” Elena was too weak to talk, but still she managed to say the name of the baby’s father. “…to Greg.”
Sandra felt her hands shake. Her blood left her face and her heart pound fast. This baby, she thought. It can’t be. When she looked at Elena, it was too late. Elena was gone. She died from giving birth to Greg’s son.
She left quickly with the baby, leaving Elena’s body on the road side. She went back to the hospital. Then she stopped. She thought Greg wasn’t supposed to know about the baby. She went back outside and ran to the orphanage beside the hospital, the Joan of Arc Orphanage. The guard was nowhere to be found so she sneak inside. She left the baby at the porch of the orphanage covered with fresh blood and umbilical cord hanging.
She called her father and told him what happened and about the baby. His father agreed that she made the right decision. It will be a big problem for their family if the people found out that the husband of the only daughter of one of the riches man in Bautista has a bastard son.
His father sent men to recover Elena’s body. They buried her in the public cemetery of Bayambang, leaving the tomb unnamed.
But as years went by, what happened to Elena and his son was in her conscience. After 5 years, one of the children of their farmer volunteered to work on the orphanage. He’s Stephen. He became her eyes inside, she monitored Elena’s son. She has to keep the boy in her wing if she wants Greg not to find out anything about him.
Maybe it was her karma that her husband and her son met an accident. His father was so angry with Greg he took his daughter and his grandson in United States. But even if they left for US, she’s still contacting Stephen to have some details about the boy. Three years passed and things went by peacefully to Sandra.
 It was until one day, their family friend and business partner, Mr. Anthony Alvarez, visited them in the US for some business arrangements. He told them that he and his wife plans to adopt a child from the orphanage. The orphanage was Joan of Arc, the place where he left Elena’s son. She called Stephen quickly and asked him to find out who’s the child Mr. Alvarez wants to adopt.
After two weeks, Stephen called and said they wanted to adopt the boy she told him to look over. She panicked. If they will adopt the boy, then Greg will be close to finding out his son with Elena.
She called Stephen and told him to kidnap the boy and leave him somewhere far. But it was a damn decision. Stephen was too coward and too soft hearted that he didn’t do what she said. Instead, Stephen sent the boy running.
After that, she never had any news from Elena’s son. She knew what the boy looks like. He looks like his father; he has the perfect resemblance to Greg when he’s still a kid.
Two years later, Sandra’s father died and she went back to the Philippines. It was her father who kept them in the US for over 5 long years. But just as when she returned, she almost fell to her knees. The boy she kept from her husband for almost 10 years was adopted by her husband. Greg wasn’t aware of it at first. But his nephews and nieces secretly took their DNA samples and ask Tim – Robi and Bianca’s older brother – to have it tested. The result was positive of course, and they showed it to their Uncle Greg. Greg knew in that instant that the boy was his son with Elena. But Elena was missing for almost 10 years, and the boy said he grew up in the orphanage.
Even after all these years, Sandra was still a loser to Elena. Elena’s son found his father even without knowing it. Greg didn’t tell anyone about it, and so did his nephews and nieces. The boy, Lance, lived with them with everyone keeping a secret on him.
Sandra admits that she showed nothing to Lance but rudeness, and gave him a miserable life. But they boy always find his way out. One of the things she did to Lance that she’ll never forget is when she dropped the cover of the keys of the piano in Lance’s hand. It was really terrible, but it was an accident. I didn’t mean to do it, she thought. His son thinks that she did it on purpose, but it was really an accident. She accidentally pushed the lid. The lid dropped fast that Sandra wasn’t able to catch it.
Greg sent a private investigator to look for Elena. But they didn’t find any evidence that will lead to her.
And now, Sandra opened her eyes and thought of the reality. By now, maybe my soul is being burned in hell.


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