"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Friday, November 19, 2010

Chapter 17 - Heart Over Matter

The Rain

“Nicole,” Lance said. “I’m sorry!”
“You should’ve felt sorry when you and Marla enjoyed each other with me around,” Nicole said annoyed. “You’re a stupid two-timer!”
“I’m not a two timer,” Lance said. “Look, I don’t know that she’ll do that. Please I’m sorry.”
Nicole stood up and went out of the cafeteria.
“This is what I’m telling you,” Nova said. “If you guys feel so annoyed whenever a guy will approached us girls then we feel the same when a girl will approached our guys.”
“And for the fact that he flirted you face-to-face,” Cheska snapped. “If I’m Nicole I could’ve drop that Marla dead in the gym.”
“I don’t know what to do,” Lance said.
“We’ll help you, alright.” Nova said.
“So don’t cry little Lancey,” Cheska comforted.
“Aisht!!! Shut up,” Lance said annoyed.

*     *     *

It was eight in the evening and they we’re still at the Nursing Building.  Nova and Cheska left Lance and Nicole inside the room to fix their problem. It was raining hard outside and they can’t get out.
“Okay,” Nicole said. “You’re forgiven. But next time you let her flirt with you I’ll really break up with you.”
“I understand,” Lance said. “Don’t you worry I wont let her next time.”
Nicole sat in Lance’s lap and Lance wrapped his arms around her. Even with their sweaters on, it was still cold and the air was damp.
“Lance!!!” a girl’s voice called behind her excitedly. Nicole turned to look but Lance didn’t and sighed. It was Marla.
Nicole stood and faced Marla. Lance was standing behind her. “What are you doing here?”
“Marla, can you leave us alone? We’re talking about personal things,” Lance said gently.
“Oh, I know she’ll understand,” Marla flirted with Lance again. “What a girlfriend would she be if she can’t understand this little thing…”
Nicole’s eyes were filled with tears this time and ran out of the room and in to the rain. Lance tried to push Marla away but Marla was hugging him tight.
“Marla let go!” Lance said angrily. “Let go of me! Get off!”
“No Lance stay!” Marla said. “I love you Lance, don’t you see?” Lance gave Marla a powerful push for her to let go. “Why are you pushing me away? Don’t you see that I love you? Am I not enough for you? I’m willing to give you myself – body and soul!”
“But you’re missing one crucial fact, I don’t love you,” Lance said angrily.
“What have you seen in that stupid bitch? I’m better than her,” Marla said.
“Don’t insult her!” Lance shouted. “No matter what you do, she’s still better than you. You’re nothing compared to her. I love Nicole more than I can love anyone.
Lance walked out of the room leaving Marla behind. He ran outside, not minding the rain and his friends shouting. I have to find Nicole! I need to find her.
Lance went to the closest classroom but finding nothing. He went back into the rain and shouted Nicole’s name.
“Nicole!” Lance shouted. “Nicole, please! Come back! I love you Nicole! I don’t want to hurt you, I didn’t mean to!”
Lance ran again, looking for her in every tree, room or every shed he pass by for Nicole.
“Nicole where are you?” Lance shouted again. “Nicole! Nicole I love you! You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
Then finally, Lance saw a figure under a post light. It was Nicole, curled in a ball. She’s crying. Lance ran towards her. He tried to make her stand up but she just pushed Lance away.
“Go back to Marla!” Nicole snapped. “I don’t need you here.”
“Maybe you don’t need me,” Lance said. “But I need you, Nicole, I love you.”
“Fool somebody else,” Nicole said.
“It’s that what you think? That I’m fooling you?” Lance said. “Do you think I’ll follow you here if I’m just goofing around?”
Nicole didn’t answer and just sobbed.
“I love you Nicole; I will repeat it for you as many times as you want.” Lance kissed Nicole and Nicole didn’t push him away.
Lance pulled a chain out under his shirt. The chain has two circlets – gold and silver. Lance took it off and pulled the rings out. He took and golden ring and wore it in his left ring finger.
He took Nicole’s left and slipped the silver ring in her finger.
“These are the heirloom of our family,” Lance said. “Well, the Vallejo’s I mean. Dad said I should give this to the woman I will merry. There’s a legend that said that if two individual wore these rings, no matter what happens, they will be together. That the future is settled for them.”
“Why are you giving this to me?” Nicole asked.
“Because I want you to be my bride,” Lance kissed her again. This time, it was passionate.
At this moment, their love was pure; it was intense that you’d think it’s only a dream. They were sure of their future, but they don’t know what the future has planned for them.


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