"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Friday, November 19, 2010

Epilogue - Heart Over Matter


6 years later…

“Nicole, have you called the bakery already?” Lance asked. “It’s the first birthday of Alex; I don’t want him to celebrate it without his birthday cake.”
“Relax Lance,” Nicole said. “They’re coming. Besides, the party won’t start in three hours.”
Seven years had passed; Nicole and Lance had their own family already. They have two sons. A year after their wedding, Nicole gave birth to their first son Rafael, and after five years they had their second son Alex.
Nicole sat beside her husband, “It’s been 9 years since you saw your family last.”
“Yeah,” Lance agreed.
“Did you miss them?” Nicole asked.
“I don’t know,” Lance said. “Sometimes I want to talk to them; there were times that I wish they’re hearing, like when Rafael was born, I don’t know anything about being a father. I wanted to call him, you know. I want to ask him to guide me.”
“I think it’s time for you to go back,” Nicole said. “Your Dad isn’t getting younger.”
“Your right,” Lance said.
“Do you want to go back tomorrow? Well do it together,” Nicole said.
“Thank you Nicole,” Lance kissed Nicole’s forehead.
“That’s a kiss for old people,” Cheska said. “Real lovers kiss on the lips and not on the forehead.”
“Tsk, do you mind?” Lance said in irritation.
“Hmp! Sige lad tan!

*     *     *

Lance drove down the farm. The farm change not a bit, except for the once green farm now a dried farm. Lance heard the people talking that the Vallejo’s planed to sell the farm and their business.
Lance went out of his car. He walked slowly towards an old man sitting under a tree. The man’s hair was grey, not like when he saw him last, he can see the aged skin of the man. Lance can see that the man was now weak.
Lance neared him. He took a deep breath and said, “Dad,”
Greg turned around; his old handsome face was now old and filled with wrinkles. Lance can see that Greg is not in a good condition, his Dad is dying.
“Son,” Greg said. “You have returned.”
“Yes Dad,” Lance smiled. “I’m back.”



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