"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Friday, November 19, 2010

Chapter 15- Heart Over Matter


If only Lance will see me the way I see him. I wish for once, please let him see right through me. I love him, since the first time I met him. He’s gentleman, good looking, and above all… my world revolved around him. I can still remember that day; it was exactly three years ago.
He’s walking with his friends from UB – the university behind BNHS where I study. I first noticed him when his still in high school. It started with a simple crush, and then when he wore his uniform, I realize I fell for him. Of course that’s a hyperbole.
I took nursing because of him. I want to know him, and spend some time with him. But lately, I found out that he and that Nicole are together now.
But I love him… and that’s all that counts. I will make him mine.

Marla Montes closed her diary and hid it in her backpack. Her duty on the hospital ended yesterday and her lectures started again today.
Montes family has a great reputation at the town of Bayambang. His father – Julio Montes – was the former vice mayor. Her ancestors were politicians and the reason why Bayambang is so productive. They had businesses inside the province and even all over the nation.
Marla was raised by his parents well. Even if they’re busy, they still had enough time with her. They we’re very supported to their daughter about her love life, studies and in every way you’d think. Girls her age were envy she has everything they’d dream of – beauty, material things, money, parents that allows a daughter to have a boyfriend.
“Come on,” Meryl called Marla. “Jessie’s waiting at the cafeteria. Today’s the dead line of the collage!!!”
They walk towards the cafeteria when Marla saw Lance. Her heart pounded so hard she thought it will jump right in her throat. Her knees shook and her palms were wet with sweat.
“Marla?” Meryl called her but Marla seemed not to notice.
“Lance!” Marla called.
Lance didn’t hear and walk towards Nursing Building. Nicole and their friends was nowhere to be seen so Marla thought that it’s her chance.
“Lance! Wait!” Marla called again, this time, she’s running after him.
“Marla! Marla where are you going?” Meryl shouted after her.
“You go ahead.” Marla shouted back and never looked back.
Marla caught Lance’s are and wrapped her arm around his. “Hi Lance!” Marla greeted enthusiastically. Lance quickly drew his hand back and smiled at the girl. “Where are you going?”
“I’m going to the Nursing Department. I need to run some errands and my CI told me to pick up something for him,” Lance hissed. “I don’t get it. They’re teaching us to be a nurse and not as messengers.”
“Yeah,” Marla agreed. “Where are your friends?”
“Nicole is at the classroom,” Lance said.
“I’m not asking about her,” there was something in Marla’s tone that made Lance stop. It was something blended with anger or irritation, something that Lance didn’t like.
Okay Lance, don’t be frank. Just stay cool, maybe she didn’t mean it, Lance thought to himself.
Lance continued walking in silence while Marla started her stories that she had already told him before. Marla was fun to be with at first, but Nova and Cheska were irritated by her boastful stories, and soon enough Lance was bored of her stories.

*     *    *

Nova, Cheska and Nicole entered Bayambang National High School that afternoon. They used the shortcut from the hole at the wall that surrounds UB that leads to Pangasinan State University. From there, there will be another secret path that was used by the escapers whenever they escape or skip classes that will lead to the Science Laboratory of BNHS.
It was already six in the afternoon, and there were only few – very few – students who’s still inside the campus.
Wearing their casual clothes and carrying their books, the three stopped at the rooms by near the gate. The guards were nowhere to be found. The room was painted with green outside lined with yellow paint and the ceiling and the interior were painted white. There was a metal cabinet where Mr. Macaranas keep their art works and some books. There windows were hollow and there was a ply wood at the door that serves as its door. But no matter how the teacher closed his door, every thief can enter the room especially for the fact that there’s nothing to cover his windows.
Nova and Cheska turned their backs at the window and put their hands into it and pulled their selves up and sat at the window like how they did when they’re still in high school. Nicole tried it but she failed.
“Haha, you such a weak ninny.” Nova teased.
“Sorry, I think I should do it in a different angle,” Nicole said.
Nicole faced the window instead and pulled herself up. Before she could pull herself up, she saw Lance behind her. But when Nicole pulled herself, she fell backwards but Lance caught him fast. They both fell, Lance first and Nicole above him.
“Oh, Lance sorry,” Nicole quickly stood up and look at Lance. But to her shock and dismay, it’s not Lance.
“Hey Charles,” greeted Nova. “You’re back!”
“So soon,” Cheska added.
“Well yeah,” Charles answered. “There will be a graduation tomorrow so we have no classes.”
Nicole just looked at Charles. She’s was sure she’s ashamed of what happened, but she’s not sure if it’s because she fell above Charles or if it’s because she thought he’s Lance.

*     *     *

Marla sat on her desk in her room. Her books were close and so were the lights except for the lamp in her table. Her desk was filled with bright color and Lance’s picture. Most of them were stolen while Lance was walking, smiling, like the one you have when you staked at a person.
She opened her laptop and revealed that her desktop background was her and Lance’s picture.
“Lance,” Marla said.
She opened a browser and opened a social networking site. She view Nicole’s account, read her posts, and viewed her pictures and her details. She saw Nicole and Lance’s picture while watching the meteor shower that happened two days ago.
“You preferred her than me?” Marla said. “I’m more beautiful than her. This Nicole is nothing compared to me.”
Then she saw a funny photo of Nicole. It was taken three months ago at Baguio. They were at a café and someone took her photo.
“Hmm,” Marla mumbled. “I had a nice idea.”
Marla hit the tag button and tagged the photo to Nicole’s enemies and nemesis. While tagging them one by one, Marla laughed hysterically and went on to her merry way.

*     *     *
“Ahh!!!! Who is this Marla Montes?” Nicole shouted.
“She’s one of those second years at the hospital. Why?” Lance asked.
“She tagged my photos to my enemies!!! Ahh…” Nicole had teary eyes now.
“That’s okay,” Lance said. “You can just remove the tags. Maybe no one saw the picture anyway.”
“No one saw?” Nicole repeated. “Then explain why 26 people have liked it.”
“Now calm down Nikky,” Lance said.
“Don’t call me Nikky if you don’t want me to call you Lancey!” Nicole said.
“Sounds like dog,” Nova teased. “Lancey, come here boy!”
“Stop that or I’ll bite you,” Lance glared.
“Hmm, this seems to be familiar,” Cheska said. “It happened to me when we’re in fourth year high school. The girlfriend of my ex-boyfriend did the same to me.”
“Yeah, and you almost die in humiliation,” Lance teased.
“Where’s Charles?” Nova asked.
“He stayed at home. He said he wants to spend the day at home,” Lance answered.

*     *     *

“That was so evil!” Jessie told Marla.
“And so funny,” Meryl added.
Marla and her friends ate at the cafeteria that day and were talking about Lance and Nicole. They were talking about their current status, people say they’re a perfect match, but of course Marla would disagree.
“What are you planning next?” Meryl asked.
“Next week will be the Nurse’s fest,” Marla said.
“So?” Jessie asked.
“Use your brain dum-dum,” Marla said. “Of course all Nursing students will have more free time, and I will use it to have some quality time with Lance.”
“That’s a good idea,” Meryl said.
“I promise you that before the fest ends I will have Lance as my boyfriend,” Marla said.


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