"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 7 - Heart Over Matter


“Dad I want to go college at Bayambang,” Nicole said to his foster Dad. “Please?”
“Nicole, we have better colleges here at Manila, you passed UPCAT, and UST,” her Dad answered.
“Dad,” Nicole said. “I thought we had talked this through before? Anyway, there’s a new university at Bayambang. The professors we’re graduates from universities here at Manila. Please Dad.”
“Alright,” her Dad forfeit. “You will still insist what you want anyway, so there’s no reason for me to argue.”
“Thank you dad!”
Nicole was an orphan from Joan of Arc Orphanage. She was six when her mother died. His dad died when she was three years old. Her relatives can’t take care of her so she was sent to the orphanage. There she met Robert another orphan. He became her best friend. All these years he’s still her best friend. He had his photograph on his room’s desk, and before she sleeps, she will tell everything to him. His picture was sort of like diary or shoulder to cry on. And every day she wishes they could meet again.
“I’m coming back Robert,” Nicole whispered. “I’m coming back.”
Though she’s not sure if Robert was still at Bayambang, or if he’s still alive, she was determined to find him.
When Robert’s mysterious disappearance happened, the man who should adopt him was dismayed. That man adopted her instead. Now she is Nicole Alvarez. She never had hard time in this family. Everyone accepted her, he and his wife wasn’t able to have a child so they just adopted. Luckily, she’s the one they choose.
They sent her to private school, and then she graduated in high school at an all girls’ school. They gave her wealth, everything she need. They treated her as their own daughter. She never had problems here.
She never had contacted her relatives, she wasn’t able to. She even can’t remember where her father and her mother were buried.
Nicole sat in front of her computer and opened an internet browser. She went to a social networking site. There she searched the name Robert. There were thousands of results. Everyday she scans each of them. Hoping that maybe she’ll find the right Robert.
After a couple of hours of scanning, she posted “In two months, I will see him again.” But she had no idea how it will change her life.

*     *     *

“Nicole,” Lance whispered. He sat in his bed while Janine and Bianca redecorate his room.
“Who?” Bianca asked while she paints the walls with beige.
“Huh?” Lance said.
“Who’s Nicole?” Bianca asked.
“Nothing,” Lance whispered. “She’s my best friend when I was in the orphanage.”
“Oh, I thought she’s your girlfriend,” Janine teased as she removes the old black wall paper on the other wall
“Well, she’s not.” Lance said. “I’m just being emotional, I’m thinking of the one’s whom I met before.”
“And you thought of her?” Bianca said.
“Sort of,” Lance answered.
“Effects of graduation,” Bianca teased. “You’ll get over it.”
Actually, Lance lied. He’s not being emotional, he’s thinking of her because it’s her birthday. Well, it’s not really her birthday, but they celebrate before in the orphanage in that certain date because it’s the day she was left in the orphanage.
I hope I we meet again, he thought. But he wasn’t aware that his wish will bring him to the crossroads of destiny.


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