"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 11 - Heart Over Matter


It was already 12:04 in the morning. Lance is still awake and sitting in front of his computer. He’s surfing the internet and searches for something to be bought. On the other room, Charles was also awake and is also sitting in front of his computer. They we’re chatting once and a while, you might think it was stupid because the only thing that divides their room is a wall and they are communicating like the other is in a far away place. Their parents doesn’t know that they we’re awake by this time of hour, and if they found out, they’re dead.
So have you found something? Charles asked through chat.
Not yet, everything I want was sold out! Lance answered.
Hey try this one. Charles sent a photo of a necklace with silver chain and a silver moon pendant with crazy markings.
Eew! Charles, it’s ugly! Lance rejected.
How about this? It was a photo of a ring with blue stone and golden ring.
It’s sold out! Lance said.
Maybe this one. It was a photo of necklace with a big blue gem for a pendant and bronze lace.
Old fashion! Lance said.
This? It was a necklace it a voodoo doll as a pendant.
Too modern! Lance teased. I mean too common.
You don’t like an antique and you don’t like a modern style then what do you like? Charles was now annoyed.
Something caught in between. Lance answered
Semi-modern? Charles asked.
Something like that. Lance said.
Then try this. Charles sent a photo of a blank dog tag. You can put anything you want there. It’s a personalized dog tag.
It’s too expensive, Lance complained.
Don’t worry, it’s 50% off. The shop offers an anniversary sale.
Let me think about it. Lance said. Good night.
Sleep tight. Charles replied.
Dream of bed bugs tonight, Lance said then he turned the computer off.
Lance lie on his bed fast and quickly fell asleep and was trapped in a dream. He’s in a crossroads, like the one in the TV commercial where a politician says that he can guide the people to the better road to the better future. The only difference is both roads leads to a dark place.
“Have you chosen which path you will take?” a man said behind him.
Lance turned around and saw a man wearing white Filipino folk clothes. The man has a pair of eye glasses and he’s almost bald. “Noynoy?”
Lance quickly opened his eyes and woke up from his dream. “That was a nightmare. I guess it’s time for me not to think about politics. Leave it to Noynoy.”
It’s already 7 in the morning. Lance got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face and to gargle to remove his morning breath.
He ran down stairs and sat in the table. Charles was about to start his breakfast when Lance came.
“Oh, you’re just in time,” Charles said. “Dad is outside and Mom is off to business trip again.”
“Where are Janine and the others?” Lance asked
“Still sleeping I guess.” Charles said. “Robi and Nel were outside cleaning the cars with Dad.”
Lance started nibbling bread and took bacon and put in his plate. Lance ate in silence while Charles eats fast, like he’s nervous or something. “Can I ask you something?”
“What is it?” Lance asked.
“Oh never mind, it’s not important.” Charles said.
“Just say it,” Lance said.
“Okay, but please don’t laugh,” Charles said. “Are you in love with Nicole?”
Lance chuckled and the food he eats nearly stuck in his throat. “Are you serious?”
“I’m dead serious!” Charles said. “I told you not to laugh!”
“Sorry, but I just can’t help myself,”
“So are you?”
“No,” Lance said. “I told you before that I will never ever fall in love to my friend.”
With that, Charles seemed to have relaxed. “So are you in love with Nicole?” Lance asked him.
“I think so,” Charles said.
Lance finished his food and went to the living room and watch television. The first thing that he saw is the face that ruined his dream. “Oh, it’s President Noynoy again.”

*     *     *

Lance was sitting beside the pond in their garden. It was 3 in the after noon and he’s surfing the internet using the lap top Greg gave him when he turned 16 year old.
Greg approached Lance and sat beside him. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing Dad,” Lance said. “I’m shopping online.”
“Oh,” Greg said. “Necklaces and rings huh. Wait here, I’ll just give you something.”
Lance patiently waited. He browsed from shop to shop but he can’t find something to give to her best friend. All accessories available were couples accessories. There’s nothing like “friends accessories.” After 30 minutes, Greg came back with a small brown box in his hand.
“Here,” Greg opened the box and pulled a necklace with two rings as a pendant – its silver and a golden ring. “It’s for you.”
“Its beautiful dad,” Lance complemented.
“It’s our family heirloom,” Greg said.
“Then Charles should have it,” Lance said.
“You can have it,” Greg said. “Do you know that this heirloom belongs to the grandfather of my grandfather’s grandfather? It has a story.”
“I’d like to hear it.”
“Okay,” Greg said. “The grandfather of my grandfather’s grandfather was named Don Leon Vallejo and her wife Esmeralda was so in love when they we’re young. But their parents are against their love and tried to separate them.
“One day, when Don Leon visited his farm, a lady approached him and gave two identical rings, they only differ in color. They we’re gold and silver. The woman said if the golden ring is to be worn by a man and the silver ring is to be worn by the woman she loves, no problem or nothing can keep them apart. That in the end they’ll be together.
“Don Leon gave the silver ring to Esmeralda and no matter what had happen to them; they still found a way to be together. Their parents gave their blessings in the end and they lived a blissful life.
“After that, Don Leon and Esmeralda died young. The ring was passed on to his youngest son Roman. Then Roman passed it on to his youngest so and so on. The ring should be passed to the youngest son of a Vallejo.”
“But you have only one son,” Lance said.
“I have two; I have you as my son.” Greg protested.
“But I’m not a real Vallejo.” Lance said.
If only I can say it to you that you’re my son, “It’s okay. I want you to have it; no one said that it has to be in the bloodline.”
“Well, thank you dad.” Lance said.
Lance realizes that the rings were like the sun and the moon; gold and silver. No matter what problems or what reason occurs they will still find the eclipse to bring them together.
“Do not loose this,” Greg said to his son. “Then someday, when you’ll have your own family, I expect you to give this to your youngest son.”
“I will Dad,” Lance promised. “I will. So if this heirloom serves as an engagement ring, then Aunt Sandra must have worn the silver one right?”
“Well,” Greg hesitated. He doesn’t know how to say that he gave it to Elena instead of Sandra. “Actually, I didn’t.”
“Weh, really?” Lance said in disbelief.
“Well, you see, Sandra is not my first love,” Greg explained.
“So if you’ve given this to your first love,” Lance began. “Then where is she? You said this ring will bring two individual together no matter what.”
“I guess it’s only a legend,” Greg answered. “Someday you’ll know why. But believe me; you don’t want to rely on the legend of those rings.”
“But I want to believe,” Lance said. “And I’ll prove to you that it’s real.”


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