"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 13 - Heart Over Matter


Lance sat beside Nicole at church during the mass. Cheska and Nova invited them to go to church together and so that all of them will have some quality time together before the school year starts.
The priest was old and people can’t understand his sermons because he’s already weak. The priest said that he will not retire and will still do his job until God take his life. What a dedication, Lance though.
“I remember going here during Sunday when we’re still at the orphanage,” Nicole started.
“And we use to make fun with the bell ringer,” Lance continued. “And he will run after us.”
“Those days we’re over,” Nicole said. “But at least we’re still here, together.”
Lance stared at the altar, the church was old and the ceiling was renovated countless times. The altar was filled with flowers and there were saints and Jesus’ statues. There were also angels painted on the altar’s ceiling.
Lance look at Nicole, but to his surprise, Nicole is staring at him. She quickly looked away as her cheeks was reddened. Lance look away and put his hand on his stomach and put a pressure in it. I feel butterflies in my stomach, no, it weren’t butterflies, they were eagles! Lance thought.
“Why?” Cheska asked him. “Are you okay? Does your stomach hurt?”
“No,” Lance said. “I’m fine.”
“Are you hungry?” Nova asked.
“No, I’m totally fine,” Lance said. Crap! What is this?
Nicole took a deep breath, and she put her hands around her. Why do I suddenly feel warm? Oh God! He caught me looking at him! I’m so embarrassed! She thought.
“It’s a shame Charles wasn’t able to come,” Nova said. “He’s going to miss everything today. Cheska will treat us pizzas after mass.”
“What!” Cheska squealed. It was loud enough that people stared at them and the priest stopped his sermon. Nova and the others slightly made a distance with her. “Sorry! He-he, you can proceed.”
Everyone turned again to the priest and Nova and Lance can’t stop giggling. “That was so embarrassing!” Lance said.
“I think I’ll melt if that ever happens to me,” Nova muttered.
“Hey! Will you please stop laughing at me?” Cheska said angrily.
“Sorry,” Lance said. “Okay, I’ll stop I had my laugh.
Even if Cheska’s most embarrassing moment in life had passed 30 minutes ago, Lance still laughs and giggles hysterically once in a while whenever he remembers what happened.
“Lance,” Nicole tapped him in the back. It was a gentle tap but it made the two of them flinch. There was something that flowed in their body when Nicole tapped her. It was like electricity that shocked them.
When the offertory was near, everyone stood up and held hands. They sang Ama Namin and everyone closed their eyes. Lance removed his hands and intertwined his pinkie with Nicole’s pinkie, like the one you do when you make a promise.
Please promise me that you’ll take care of me, and my heart, I love you Lance. Nicole thought to herself.
I promise, in this church, in front of God, that I will never fall for my best friend, Lance promised. I can’t fall in love. I can’t fall for you.

*     *     *

 Lance was sitting on the couch holding an envelope from CA. It’s the result of the admission test they took. Next to him was Charles holding his own envelope from CA.
“I’m so excited,” Charles said.
“I’m so nervous,” Lance said.
Both of them opened their enveloped at the same time. Lance smiled at the paper. “Yes! I got the 1st slot! Thank God!”
Just as when Lance was rejoicing, Charles sat on his seat and smiled a smile that didn’t touch his eyes. “I didn’t, I failed.”
Lance stopped himself from celebrating his admission and took his brother’s letter. It said that Charles got the fourth place from CA and is in pending list. If ever one of the two passers won’t enroll in CA, he can take the slot and enroll. Charles stood up and went to his room with the letter. Lance knew that Charles tends to be very emotional about these things, especially when it comes to rejection.

*     *     *

“You don’t have to do that,” Nicole said to Lance. “You passed the CA, you should get the slot.”
“But Charles wants it more than me,” Lance said. “And anyway I passed in another University.”
“What University?” Nova asked. “University of Bayambang? You’re going to enter that University and be stuck up here forever?”
“You’re choosing UB over CA?” Cheska scolded him. “Are you out of your mind? Are you stupid or just naturally moron?”
“I’m doing this for my brother,” Lance clarified.
“But you don’t have to do that!” Nicole said.
“And anyway he’s not your real brother,” Nova put her arms in her chest and took a very deep breath.
“That’s the reason,” Lance shouted. “He’s not my real brother because what? I’m adopted right?”
“And so?” Nicole shouted back.
“And so I should repay them in every way I know!” Lance answered. “In every way I can!”
“You’re not obliged to!” Cheska told him.
“Yes I am,” Lance said.
“No,” Nova said. “If you’re going to enter UB well I’m going with you.”
“What!” Lance said. “Your choosing UB over PUP?”
“Me too!” Cheska said. “It’ll be so unfair if the two of you go into the same school while I’m in SLU.”
“Count me in,” Nicole said.
“You’re all being dumn,” Lance told them
“Just like you,” Nicole said and kissed him in the cheek.
With that kiss, Lance felt it all again – the butterflies, the electricity and his cheeks turned red. Oh please, Nicole, don’t do that again. It’s making me so confuse.


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