"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 5 - Heart Over Matter

Uncle Ian

Lance came home early after the Vincentians insulted them. Charles meanwhile stayed in school and watch cheer dancing practice.
Lance commuted from Bayambang to Baluyot. It was a four minute drive, and the scenery was nice. There we’re farms anywhere. There was also a spot at their place where all you can see was farm, it was wide and as far as where your eyes can see which Lance had seen a billion times. It belongs to the Vallejo’s. The ride will drop him in their subdivision’s gate and he will walk towards the house. It would be a couple of minutes to walk.
Vallejo’s where known here. They have a good reputation in the town of Bautista. Their place was developed into a subdivision 16 years ago. The subdivision was called “Achilles’ Heel Subdivision” which Lance found stupid. Achilles’ heel was an expression referring to deadly weakness in spite of overall strength that can actually or potentially lead to downfall.
Lance stopped in front of a 7 foot tall gate. It was made of lumber and the imperfections were retained. The walls were painted beige and there were plants planted by Janine and Bianca, but Ivan was the one to water and trim the leaves. He pushed the gate and entered the huge glass house.
The front yard was covered with Bermuda grass and plants were planted aligned with the walls. There were flat circular stones in the grass that lead to the main door. There was a mini wooden bridge in the middle and a small pond beneath where various fishes that swims. There were two identical fountains too; each of them was 5 meters away from the walls. There was a garage that can accommodate 6 cars. The house’s walls were made up of floor length glass. The reason why they build high walls and high gate was for them to have privacy even if their house was somewhat see-through. The main door was sliding. It was huge as well, there were flowers carved in it. Inside, it was painted with white and brown. It was semi furnished and the floor was wooden. There were pillars inside to support the second and third floor. The stairs leading to the upper floors was spiraling upwards, and the rooms we’re sound proof. If you climb the stairs, you can see almost half of the eight hectares subdivision because there were still mirrors beside the stairs. The front of the house was curved but the back part was flat. All the bed rooms that are seen outside had their own balcony, but only Lance’s room has telescope.
“I’m home,” Lance said. Janine was sitting on the couch reading Wuthering Heights. She put a finger on her lips.
“Sorry,” Lance whispered.
“Uncle Ian is here,” she said. “That is why we can’t make any unusual noise.”
Ian was Greg’s older brother and the one who adopted Ivan. He was too busy in his work he forgot marrying a woman. He was disciplinarian. He doesn’t like any noise, and he applies to his nephews and nieces his “golden rule,” to be still, say not a single word and talk only when you are asked to do so.
Then lance heard heavy foot steps from the kitchen. It was his Uncle Ian. He was tall, and a little bit dark. He looks like Greg, but his face has stronger features than Greg. “Hello Uncle,” Lance greeted. He took Ian’s hand and put it on his forehead to show respect, it was custom to Filipino’s to do so.
Ian didn’t answer. He sat on the couch beside the long one where Janine sat. “So how’s your day?” he asked coldly. Lance was surprised; this was the first time he cared about his nephew’s day.
“It was great, Uncle,” he answered politely. Ian didn’t answer, so Lance said “Excuse me Uncle; I will just go up stairs.”
Lance almost ran towards the stairs. His Uncle wasn’t rude to him, but they we’re all scared of him. He had military training when he was teenager; his father was military so he disciplined his children in a military way. But Ian was the one who adopted his father’s rules.
Lance’s room was wide. The room was painted with black and there were wooden furniture inside. His room was painted black not because of anything, it’s because when you turn off the lights, there we’re glow-in-the-dark stars in his wall and ceilings. Robi and Nel decorated his room when he 1st came. He never bothered changing it, but Janine and Bianca we’re planning to repaint his room with light brown and to redecorate it since he’s teenager now.
Lance picked his dark blue t-shirt and a blue jersey shorts. Then he laid on his bed, “This house is again under martial law proclaimed by Ian Vallejo, hooray” he said blankly, and rolled his eyes on the last word.

*     *     *

They ate dinner silently in the table. Sandra, Charles’ mother was out because his father was sick, and she has to take care of him. They ate in silence; it was Ian who broke it first.
“So Ivan I heard you fail your Theology,” he said.
“Yeah Dad,” he said. “But my professor said I could take it again –”
“I don’t care,” he said, raising his voice. Lance and Charles almost jump into their chairs while Janine and Bianca closed their eyes and Robi and Nel looked at their Uncle with wide eyes. “Have you thought of what the people will say? You should be ashamed of yourself.”
Kuya Ian,” Greg said. “Calm down. At least let us eat first before you shout on Ivan.”
“Shut up Greg,” he said. “You are too soft to them and that is why they turn up to be a disgrace.”
“Don’t talk to me like that,” Greg said angrily, “You’re still in my house.”
“But I am still your brother.”
No one talked, there was a dead silence and everyone heard nothing but the sounds of their heartbeats. Robi stood up, “Excuse me.” He was followed by Nel then Lance and Charles.
After a while, Lance went to his room’s balcony and sat beside his telescope. His telescope was bought from his own money. He saved money from his allowance and from the money his Aunts and Uncle give him on Christmas and on his birthday. Robi and Bianca saved it on the bank and helped him raise enough money to buy his telescope.
“Can I sit?” someone asked behind him. Lance turned and saw Ivan.
“Sure,” he said.
Ivan sat and sighed. “Sorry for that.”
“For what?” Lance asked.
“For what happened on dinner,” Ivan answered. “Dad acted so…immature.”
“I think you are just saying that because… you’re angry or something.”
“Maybe,” Ivan said. “You know, I’m starting to regret on being adopted by Dad.”
“Don’t say that,” Lance said. “Someday these things will be something to laugh at. Maybe they’re too much for you, but all you have to do is to…”
“What?” Ivan asked when Lance can’t continue.
“…wait.” Lance whispered.
“I’m tired of waiting,” Ivan said.
“Me too,” Lance replied. “I am tired of waiting for miracles to happen. I am tired of waiting for my parents to come and take me. But I can’t give up hope; I don’t want to give it up. It’s the only thing that I have – my hope.”
“How can you stand it?” Ivan asked.
“What?” Lance said, confused.
“You wait, and wait, and wait for something,” Ivan said. “But nothing seems to happen.”
“Because I have faith,” Lance answered. “I have my beliefs, but… don’t you?”
“That was so poor of you,” Lance smiled.
The two of them heard a knock from the glass door leading to Lance’s room balcony. They turned and saw Bianca. “Hey,” she said. She walked directly to them and sat beside Lance. She brushed his soft hair and put her arm around his shoulders. “The house is again under martial law.”
Lance stood up, “I need to go to the kitchen.”
He left Ivan and Bianca alone. He went directly to the stairs and ran into the kitchen. He needs to pass the back porch and the living room before he can make it to the kitchen. But when he passed the back porch door, it banged open. Lance almost jumped because of the sudden banging of the door. It was Greg who entered. He was furious. He looked at Lance and he didn’t say a word.
Lance peeped at the door and saw his Uncle Ian. He was sitting on the bench beside the pool. There was a tree above it which Lance wasn’t sure what kind of tree is it. There was a small swing made by Nel for him when he was 8. They babied him too much when he first came.
He sat on the swing, directly beside his Uncle. His uncle was more furious than his Dad, he looked like the devil. He stared in the wall but seemed to look on what’s behind it.
“Uncle,” Lance whispered. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he answered blankly. “Your father is too hard headed. He is a pain on the neck. I let my son live with him here, but I didn’t allow him to reshape Ivan.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be too hard on Kuya Ivan,” Lance said. “It is hurting him when you seemed like you don’t care.”
“What do you know,” Ian answered. “You’re not really a part of this family anyway. My brother just picked you up from the streets.”
Lance wasn’t able to answer. Tears swell on his eyes and he felt like something was stuck on his throat. I can’t cry here, no matter how it hurts, I can’t cry here. “Maybe,” Lance said. “I’ll never force you to like me Uncle, but Uncle, look at Ivan, look at Charles, look at Janine, look at me,” Lance said. “And try to look at your self in the mirror. What difference do you see?
“Ivan is still a human, a human whom you took to be your son! You raised him to be a man; you gave him everything he needs! But you should give him one more thing! Just one more uncle, give him your attention, and make him feel like he’s a part of this family. Every orphan in the world wants nothing less than to be accepted and to be love.”
Ian didn’t answer. So Lance said, “Ivan loves you, but he’s too afraid of you. Fear blocks his compassion Uncle, and pride blocks your heart.”
Lance stood up. He went back inside. “Lance,” Ian called. Lance look surprised, he never heard his uncle’s voice so calm and happy. “Thank you.”
“For what uncle?”
Ian didn’t answer, but Lance smiled and went back inside and had a peaceful night. Martial law is now officially lifted, Lance thought.


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