"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 14 - Heart Over Matter


“I can’t believe I’m stuck here at Bayambang forever!” Nova said while they eat their lunch.
“No one told you to follow me here,” Lance said. “You can’t get over that thing even if it’s three years ago. We’re already third year college. Anyway after you take up Political Science maybe you can take up Law at PUP.”
“Yeah,” Cheska said. “And after you take up Nursing you can take Medicine at CA, right?”
“Yep,” Lance said. “While you’re going to work miss accountant.”
“Arrg!” Cheska said.
Lance and Nicole had a duty on hospital. Nicole’s patient was Nova’s older sister, while Lance’s patient got a cancer. It’s been three years since Lance gave up CA for his brother.
“Are you going to take up a new course Nicole after Nursing?” Nova asked.
“Maybe I’ll go to a Medical school and specialize at anisticiology.” She answered.
“That’s great. Then the two of you must go in CA together.” Cheska suggested.
“Well excuse me,” Lance said. “I need to check on my patient. It’s time for his medication.”
Lance stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. Nicole was left with Cheska and Nova. “Can we ask you something?” Nova asked Nicole.
“What?” Nicole said.
“Did Lance confess something to you already?” Nova asked.
“Confess what?” Nicole asked. She tried to make her voice sound like confused but actually she knew what they are talking about.
“Did he say ‘I love you’?” Nova asked.
“Or something near,” Cheska added.
“No,” Nicole answered in surprised. “That’s not true.”
“Oh, deny to death,” Cheska sighed. “You can deny your feelings, but you can’t deny the truth. It’s in your eyes, and it’s in your tongue.”
“Okay,” Nicole said. “I give up. Looks like I had nothing to hide.”
“So when did this started?” Nova asked eagerly, knowing that she nailed Nicole.
“I don’t know,” Nicole admitted. “All I know is that I’m in love with him ever since I could remember. That when he left that day, it tore my heart into pieces, and he’s the whole reason why I came back to this small town.”
“But he doesn’t seem to see your feelings,” Cheska said. “But you have Winged Stallion.”
“Yeah, the flying horse,” Nova blabbed.
When they turned 17 and entered second year in college, a person who named himself as Winged Stallion started to send flowers. Winged Stallion drops it inside Nicole’s locker. That person never left a clue about himself.

*     *     *

Lance checked the blood pressure of his patient. His patient – Mr. Abenidos – has a stage two lung cancer. Dr. Serafica told him that it’ll take a miracle for him to reach the end of the summer next year.
“110 over 70,” Lance said.
“Have you told her already?” Mr. Abenidos asked.
“No sir,” Lance said and sat in a stool. Mr. Abenidos is Lance’s patient for week now. But Mr. Abenidos talked to him like he knew him for a while, and he give Lance some advice. “I think I don’t have the guts.”
“You know I said those things to myself when I was younger. I let her slip out of my hand, and before I know it, I was too late. She married a man, my best friend.”
“That must be so hard for you,” Lance felt pity for the old man.
“Yes it is. I don’t want you to end up like me. If I didn’t save my heart, at least I can save another.” Mr. Abenidos said. “Now go before it’s too late.”

*   *    *

Nicole found another tulip bud in her locker. She brushed it in her cheeks, in her lips. They were soft and gentle, but with a mysterious effect – a tingling sensation. For three years, the tulip never failed to make her smile whenever she finds one in her locker.
“Nicole,” someone called her. The voice that is honey sweet in her ear, soft and warm that she longed to hear before she sleep at night, it’s her perfect lullaby.
Nicole turned and saw Lance standing there. Lance gave her a smile that made her heart pound so much. In Lance’s hands, Nicole saw something that made her knees week. She put her fingers in her lips and tears swell in his eyes.
“Tulips,” Nicole said.
“Yeah,” Lance gave the flowers to Nicole. “Sorry for keeping you wait for me, my princess. I’m…”
“Winged Stallion,” Nicole smile. “You don’t know how I wish he was you; how I wish that… that it will be you.”
“But I’m him,” Lance said. “Sorry, this isn’t well prepared like when I revealed I’m Robert.”
“That’s okay.”
“I love you, I’m lucky to be your best friend. But I’d be happier if you become my girlfriend.”
“I’d love too,”
Nicole held Lance tight and Lance did the same. Today I broke my promise to God that I will never fall for you. But I know he’ll understand. My heart betrayed me, and my mind gave up fighting my heart.
For once, an eternity started for them. Love filled their hearts and thoughts and that Lance forgot a crucial fact – Charles is in love with Nicole.

*    *     *

Nicole lay in her bed that night with her earphones on. “Someday we’ll know” played which she loves the most. Nicole closed her eyes, she can’t forget the afternoon a day before, the afternoon when Lance confessed his feelings for her.
The old picture of Lance in Nicole’s desk was replaced with Lance’s latest photo. Nicole look at the picture and her heart pounded hard again.
Then she heard her phone ring. She pulled her earphones off and answered the call. It was Lance. “Hi, still awake?”
“Yeah, I can’t sleep.”
“Why? Are thinking of me?” Lance laughed.
“Yes, as a matter of fact.” Nicole laughed as well.
“Dress up,” Lance said. “In your most comfortable clothes, I want to show you something.”
“But it’s almost midnight,” Nicole protested.
“Aw, I’ll bring you back before 2 o’clock.”
“Okay then.”
Nicole hang-up her phone and put on his jeans and pink t-shirt and put on her white sweater. She brushed her teeth and washed her face.
Once she opened the door of her Aunt’s house, she saw Lance standing beside a black car. The car was stunning enough but it was Lance who stunned Nicole. He’s wearing a black shirt and white sweater. He looked so good in black, Nicole thought. She gave Lance an up-and-down glance and feel warm blood flow in her face.
“When did you have a car?” Nicole asked.
“Do you like it? It’s from my savings. Every summer Dad will take us to the farm and we’ll work with the farmers and he’ll pay us. I saved the money in the bank and it grew, enough for me to buy a second hand car. Robi and Nel help me to have it fixed. It runs and looks great now like brand new.”
Next thing Nicole knew, she’s sitting inside Lance’s car and they were heading to the edge of their province. The place San Vicente was at the edge of the province, and Lance parked in front of a church. It was white a gothic, Nicole thought maybe its Mormon’s.
Beside the church, it was a beautiful place, even in the dark, Nicole can see the landscape. It’s a valley that filled with trees on the other side of the valley while grass filled their side.
“I hope we came here a little bit early, um perhaps 10 hours?” Nicole said.
“Then maybe we can’t see the beauty of the night.” Lance sat down. He stretched his legs and sighed.
Nicole sat folding her legs putting her chin in her knees and wrapping her hands in around her legs.
“Have you wished upon a shooting star?” Lance asked.
“Yes, a million times,” Nicole said. “But the star’s gone before I could say my wishes.”
“Do you want to make a wish of two?” Lance asked her.
“One is impossible enough how about two?” Nicole asked.
“Look up,” Lance said gently. Lance is already looking into the sky.
Above them, the sky was filled with stars – falling stars. Now Nicole get Lance’s reason for taking her here – a meteor shower.
“Make a wish,” Lance told Nicole.
“My wishes came true,” Nicole said. “You’re my star. You made my wishes come true.”
“I love you,” Lance said and kissed Nicole’s forehead. Nicole closed her eyes and felt the warmth of Lance’s soft lips.
“I love you too.” Nicole answered.
Nicole looked at Lance’s face. Their face we’re close enough that they could hear and smell each other’s breath.
Then they kissed. Their lips touched each other gently. Nicole brushed Lance’s hair and Lance put his hand around Nicole.
When their lips parted, they smiled at themselves and continued watching the stars fall above their heads.


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