"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Friday, November 19, 2010

Chapter 19 - Heart Over Matter


“This is the third time you took me here and dressed me up,” Nicole told Cheska whose sitting on the table beside her. Nicole was sitting in front of the mirror inside Cheska’s room while Aimee fixes her hair and Princess – Nova’s older sister was looking for the best dress available.
“I think this one is better,” Princess told Aimee picking a white beautiful dress. It was like a princess’ or a fairy’s. “If these two midgets are right then this is appropriate for the event.”
“Hey! Who are you calling midgets?” Nova reacted angrily.
“Are you sure Lance will uhm… propose?” Aimee asked.
“I think so,” Nova answered.
“So you’re not sure?” Nicole said.
“I think that there’s no reason for us to doubt,” Nova clarified.
Aimee curled Nicole’s hair into a large twirl that made her look like a model, no, an angel. They put on light make-up on her face and pink lip gloss. When Nicole wore the dress and put on her stilettos, Cheska and Nova had their mouths open. Nicole was stunningly beautiful, she’s like a pixie, like a princess, or better yet, she looks like a goddess.
“You did well,” Princess complemented Aimee. “I think I’ll take you as my make-up artist when I’ll get married.”
Nicole looked at herself at the mirror. She’s looking at the mirror, but the truth is, she’s out of her mind. She’s so nervous… and excited of course. She can’t explain why. She wore the necklace Lance gave her in their first date and the ring he gave her at the rain.
“Are you ready?” Tom asked them as he enters the room. “It’s almost time; everyone’s waiting.”
“Everyone?” Nicole asked.
“As if Lance ever made an event without the help of a mob,” Nova said.
Nicole took a deep breath; she doesn’t know what to feel. She’s nervous like something’s coming… something unexpected.

*     *     *

It was already 4:30 in the afternoon. Tom drove Lance’s car to the venue. It was at the gym of University of Bayambang. They got a lot of trouble on getting permit to use the gym. Tom didn’t stop the car at the parking lot; instead he stopped in front of the gym.
“Am I supposed to go out now?” Nicole asked.
“Lance didn’t say anything so maybe yes,” Cheska said.
Nicole went out of the car and took a deep breath. She headed to the closed door of the gym while Cheska, Tom and Nova opened the door for her.
Inside, it was dark, darker than the night. Nicole entered, the only guide she has was the light from the door and she could see flowers on the floor. Everything was fine for her until the trio close the door leaving the gym in pitch black. She was silent, waiting for someone to say anything. But to her dismay, she heard nothing, not even a rat on the ceiling.
“Hello?” she finally called out. “Lance? Where are you?”
A blinding light was turned on. It was a spotlight and it was directed to her. She covered her eyes with her hand so the light won’t blur her sight.
“Lance this is enough,” Nicole said.
Then someone played music… it was sweet… instrumental… a music that defines everything for her about Lance… its Lance’s music. It was still as beautiful as before… it caught her attention just like the first time, and even if the dull part came, she’s still captured by the music, and the moment was carved in her heart.
On the bleachers around her, even on the second floor, there were small lights… flash lights. People were playing with their flash lights to give a dramatic effect. She smiled and the spot light was turned off.
After Lance’s music, it was Nicole’s favorite song that played – “Someday we’ll know.” As the music began, lights were turned on revealing the gym – floor was filled with tulips, walls had banners saying ‘I love you Nicole’ and the people on the bleachers wore red and white jacket. At first, their sitting arrangements looked random for Nicole but it became clear to her. Those people who wore white jackets were forming letters… words… shape, ‘I U.’
Nicole smiled with tears in her eyes. I was thankful Ate Aimee used waterproof mascara on me, she thought.
“I love you Nicole,” someone said behind her. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Just believe in me.”
Nicole turned and looked at Lance. His wearing a white polo shirt and black jeans and white sneakers – his usual attire – and he kissed her in the forehead.
Nicole looked at Lance’s eyes; his eyes were like the night sky. They were so dark, but you’d see the sparks.
They kissed again, more passionate this time. Every time Lance kisses Nicole, she feels like she’s so high, like Lance was a drug that she can’t resist and will never forget.
“Whoo! That’s enough! It’s time to party!” Nova shouted and everyone cheered.
The event ended up being a party, but the proposal Nicole, Nova and Cheska was waiting never came.

*     *     *

After the party, it was 9 in the evening… Lance took Nicole outside the gym, far from everyone.
They headed at the baseball field and stopped at the middle.
“I’m tired Nicole,” Lance said blankly.
“Then let’s go home then,” Nicole said.
“You don’t understand. I’m sick about these things,” Lance said, still emotionless.
“You’re sick? Then you should take a rest for a few days,” Nicole suggested.
“You don’t understand!” Lance said angrily. “I’m sick and tire of these things! This relationship! This commitment! I’m sick and tired of you, Nicole!
Nicole wasn’t able to say anything. She looked at his eyes, the spark in it; the life in it was gone. His night dark eyes were now consuming, like a black hole that leads to another dimension.
“Ever since this relationship began I wasn’t able to do the things I want! You’re always there saying ‘Lance let’s go here’ ‘Lance let’s go there’!” Lance said angrier.
“Lance, please, stop,” Nicole plead. She felt her knees weakened and her heart pounded fast… with fear.
“A year and a half with you was enough! I can’t take you any more! We are through!”
“Lance no!” Nicole said. “Please don’t do this to me!”
Lance didn’t say anything. He turned around to hide the tears forming in his eyes. Sorry Nicole, sorry for hurting you, sorry for not fighting for you.
Nicole was already crying and said, “You said that you love me, you said…”
You’re the worst thing that has ever happened to me, you’re my biggest mistake.” Lance walked away leaving Nicole weeping.
Nicole cried and the rain poured. Lance left him with a pain in her chest, a pain that crumples her chest, the pain of a broken heart.
“Nicole!” Nova called her from a distance.
She and Cheska rushed towards her and picked her up. She’s still crying, but the rain washed the tears away.
“What happened?” Cheska asked.
Nicole didn’t answer. She’s still looking at the direction Lance went. Lance, please come back! Please!

*     *     *

Lance entered their house, he is wet with the rain and his expressionless face showed not a hint of what happened.
Greg saw him and said, “Have you done it?”
Lance looked at his father, his teary eyes answered his father, but it made Greg feel so guilty. “I hope you’re happy now Dad.” Lance half-ran towards his room and didn’t bother his father who’s calling him.
“Uncle,” Ivan said. “I think you’re too hard on him.”
“We understand that you care for Charles, he is you’re son. But remember that Lance is your son, too,” Bianca said.
“What can I do?” Greg said.
“That’s what the problem about you uncle,” Janine snapped. “You’re always thinking about what you can do! What can you do to protect your family, what can you do to make Charles happy, but have you ever asked yourself if what can you do for Lance? You didn’t fight for his mother and it broke your heart so I know that you know how Lance feels right now. Having his own father asking him to let go of something he holds…”
“You don’t have the right to talk to me that way!” Greg said. “You’re just my niece,”
“Maybe I don’t have the right,” Janine said. “I don’t even know the reason why we’re still here. Maybe it’s just because of Lance, no one will protect him, and no one will hear him out. His own father, hiding him from everyone, not wanting to tell everyone about him, was looking at him like he’s a disgrace.”
Janine walked out and headed for her room. “I’m done here. I’m leaving.”
The rest of them looked at Greg and followed Janine and pack their things.

*     *     *

Nicole lay at her bed that nigh with her earphones on. She played rock songs and happy songs to forget and ignore the pain. She’s trying to forget about the things that happened. Lance left a wound in her heart; a wound that will heal, but will leave a scar… and a scar will never be erased.
Everything was fine until the next song played. “I don’t want you to go” played. Nicole felt her chest ache again, but instead of sending it away… she let the pain in. The excruciating pain made her sob, and all she can do was to cry.
She wiped her tears and felt a cold metal on her finger. She looked at her hand and saw the silver ring Lance had gave him. If he doesn’t love me anymore, then he should’ve taken this ring back.
Then Nicole remembered what Lance said at the gym, just believe in me. Nicole pulled her earphones off and wiped her tears away. I believe in you Lance, I believe that you still love me. And I’ll prove it. I know Lance still loves me.
Then that night, Nicole forgot about the pain, and felt fine again. Tomorrow, Nicole’s clever plan will begin.


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