"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 1 - Heart Over Matter

My Story

Lance sat under the tree with his book in his lap.
He came from Joan of Arc Orphanage at their town. It stood beside the Bayambang District Hospital, where Lance was left covered with fresh blood and his umbilical cord hanging. When Lance was five, he met his best friend Nicole who became his playmate and a sister as well. It was until he ran away, Lance was eight by then and he’s being adopted. He can’t remember the name of that man, but he was sure his family name was Alvarez. But just as when Lance is going to pack his things, one of those college volunteers, Stephen, told his to run away. He said that Mr. Alvarez was a horrible person. He was bad; he told Lance crazy things about him. Well, as a young boy, Lance believed him. So he ran away.
Lance wandered in the town proper until he reached the next town – walk into the town plaza, inside the market — until he found the person who adopted him eventually. He was Greg Vallejo, an engineer. Lance’s life there wasn’t bad; he raised Lance with his nephews and nieces — Ivan, Janine and Nel, Robi and Bianca. Even if Lance is not related to them, they still treated him well like their own.
Greg was married and had a son named Charles. Robi told Lance that when Charles turned five they met an accident causing Charles and Greg’s coma. But when Greg woke up, his wife and his son was already in United States, where his wife’s father decided to continue Charles’ medication since he is in worst condition than his father. Greg tried to reach them out, even following them at the US, but he never found them. So his siblings felt pity for him and decided to send some kids to live with him. His older brother, Ian, sent his foster son Ivan, his older sister, Liza, sent her twins Nel and Janine and his eldest sister, Helen sent her children Robi and Bianca.
When Lance turned ten, his life went a little bit of difficult. Greg’s wife and Charles came back. His wife was surprised of course that he saw a boy living with them. But Charles got so excited that he had a brother; though sometimes he is jealous of the attention Lance have from the people around them. So often times when opportunity strikes, Lance give way for him, like when Greg will take them out, Lance will decline saying he doesn’t feel well or any excuse so that Charles can have some time with Greg.
Charles and Lance are now both fifteen, and everything will get harder for Lance, tougher. But Lance never thought it will be that hard.
As Lance sat under the Acacia tree at the Basketball court of their school and read a book, he heard someone calling his name, “Lance!” it’s his friend Nova. Nova was Lance’s classmate when he was in grade school and now at their senior year, and they had a long history as friends.
“Sorry I’m too late!” Nova apologized when she arrived. Her hair was tide into a ponytail with the blue ribbon Tom, her boyfriend, gave her.
“It’s okay,” Lance answered. "You’re not late, I’m just too early.”
“So where is Cheska?” she asked. Cheska was also Lance’s classmate just like Nova. But Lance and Cheska has known each other since kindergarten
“Well, if you don’t see her here, then maybe she is not here right? It’s a simple logic!” I answered sarcastically.
“You sound like Charles,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“Ha-ha, he thought me how to say that,” Lance answered smiling. “Stop rolling your eyes, will you?”
“Oh I can roll my whole head if I want!” she answered laughing.
She put her headphones on while Lance continued reading my book.
They were supposed to meet here at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, it’s still 30 minutes early though, and Cheska will be there 15 minutes before 3. They are going to get their ordered couple’s necklace.
After a quarter, Cheska came wearing a plain pink t-shirt with a white blazer on top. Her hair was flowing straight behind her with a Hello Kitty hairclip.
“Hi,” she greeted. “So let’s go! I need to go home before dusk, or I am dead!”


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