"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Friday, November 19, 2010

Chapter 16 - Heart Over Matter


Lance and Nicole sat inside the music room. Today is the “Nurses Fest” and the classes of the College of Nursing are suspended. There were booths, programs and different activities exclusively for the Nursing Students.
“Maybe we should get out and have fun like the rest of them,” Nicole said. “What are we going to do here anyway?”
“I want to show you something,” Lance said. Lance led Nicole to the corner of the room. The room was big, dark and the windows and doors were all open.
Lance took off his sling bag and took of his sweater. Nicole felt blood drained her face and her knees weakened. “L-Lance? What are you doing?”
“Taking off my jacket so we could start,” he answered. His voice was gentle and almost like whisper.
“Lance I’m not ready for this,” Nicole said shakily.
“Do what?” Lance asked. He took a folder inside his bag and put it on the piano. “I’m just going to play something for you.”
Nicole sighed deep and felt blood rush in her face. I thought he’s going to do all the way. Nicole dragged a stool and sat beside the piano with Lance.
“I started composing this when I became Winged Stallion,” Lance began. “But… for a reason, I can’t finish it. I mean I finished it, but… it’s not yet done.”
“What do you mean? I can’t understand.”
“I finished it, but… whenever I play it, there’s this something that… that’s missing,” Lance explained.
“I think I get it,” Nicole said.
“Okay, here’s what I have done,” Lance began to play a song.
The song was like a lullaby, it’s soft… sweet and it will make any woman cry if ever their love will dance with her with this song playing. The song made Nicole smile in an instant. She’s forcing herself not to, but she can’t help herself.
But when the song went on, the beauty of it faded and it became so dull. Nicole’s smile fade, but she still listened to it intently until the song stopped.
“I told you,” Lance said.
“It’s beautiful,” Nicole said. “It’s something.”
Lance smiled and kissed Nicole in the lips gently. Lance held her hand and Nicole put her hand in his shoulder.
While their passionate kiss was happening, someone is standing by the window with tears in his eyes. His wrist clenched into fist and anger filled his face.
Charles felt betrayed. You said you’re not in love with her. I told you I’m in love with her, how dare you!

*     *     *

Nicole and Lance sat at the bleachers of the gym while cheering for their favorite team in a basketball game.
“Lance!!!” someone called his name cheerfully. They both look at the person who called him. It was Marla. She approached them with two popcorns and two cans of juice. “Hi!”
“Hello,” they both greeted.
Marla sat between Nicole and Lance. Nicole was shocked and wasn’t able to say anything.
“This is for you,” Marla said giving a can of juice and popcorn to Lance. “Sorry Nicole. I’m a little bit of short right now so I wasn’t able to buy one for you.”
“It’s okay,” Nicole said emotionlessly.
Marla began her stories again that they both heard a million times. Lance will just smile at her but he’s not really listening. He offered his popcorn to Nicole but she said no. “Oh I bought that only for you.”
Oh my God! I could kill somebody! Nicole thought.
Marla wrapped her arm around Lance’s arm and laughed hysterically. Nicole’s face gone red because of anger and her angelic face was filled with an expression even the devil will fear.
She’s ready to pull Marla’s hair, or slap her, or kick her butt off, but somebody stopped her. Charles appeared in front of them.
“Hi Nicole,” Charles greeted.
“Hi Charles,” Nicole greeted back.
“I see Lance is busy,” Charles said. “Can I borrow you for a minute?”
“Well Charles” Lance began but Nicole cut him off.
“I’d love too,” she stood up and took her bag. “See you later.” She said angrily and walked out of the gym.
Charles looked at Lance. Both of them had their mouths were opened wide.
“Don’t play with another girl if you have your girlfriend around,” Charles said.
“I’m not,” Lance tried to explain but Charles was already walking out of the gym.

*     *     *

It’s just the beginning. I’m determined to make him mine. My plans are working the way I want it to be. Soon their relationship will be over. Because of me of course, and who will be there to comfort him? Haha, me.
After that bitch walked out of the gym followed by Lance’s brother, I finally had a time alone with Lance. Oh, when I held his arm, I felt like I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

Marla closed her diary and slept with a smile that night and dreamed about Lance and she enjoyed the night.


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