"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 6 - Heart Over Matter

The Best Day

“When I was a boy I had a vision,” Lance said in the microphone. He faced the crowd, though his hands we’re shaking, his voice was calm but his eyes betrayed him. As he starts his valedictorian address, tears ran down his cheeks, but he didn’t bother wiping them out. “A vision that one day I will be successful. But as day turns to night, I realize that the path that I pursue is difficult. But there will always be your friends who will guide you in your journey. Bayambang National High School is a home for all of us, home of the brains, and home of the champions. Every year it molds and carves students to be in their best shape before they face the tougher level – college. We are all connected, we are all destined to be here this day, we are all meant to meet each other.
“Four year ago, we are all so young; we are the babies of this school. Many doubted our abilities, our intelligence, and our capabilities, but as time goes on, as challenges grew harder and harder, we stood strong against it. And now here we are, we are the latest batch of the Bayambang National High School, and I know, we are all proud to say ‘We did it’.
“Last June, we shouted ‘One more year, one final glance,’ everyone is so excited about graduating or going to college.” He stopped and saw his father crying with joy. He was making his speech without a copy to read. “I hope for all the next batch of Bayambang National High School to make me as an example, I am a IV-2 student. Some say that section two is just second best, or second choice. Even some teachers degrade us, giving us low grades even if we deserve higher. But despite of all these things, I made to the top. So I want to leave a message for all of the year levels and sections here, no matter what section we belong we can always be the best. Sometimes we just have to look beyond the ordinary so we can see greater things, greater opportunity.
“It was a nice journey that we had, Batch 2011. It was great. It was nice to have an end with this journey, but it’s the journey that will matter in the end. Good luck to all of us, and remember, once a Nationalian, always a Bayambang Nationalian.”
Everyone clapped when he finished his address. Then, as their graduation song played, every one cheered. Lance was hugged by his friends. They cried. No one said a word, no one closed their eyes; they just look at each other. They will never be complete again. They know they are going to be friends forever, they can’t help tears fall.
“May we call Mary Justine Rose De Vera to sing our graduation song,” announced Ma’am Lalalyn. She was their adviser and now, she has tears of joy in his eyes, and she had done well with this batch.
“Come,” Justine said. “Let’s do this.”
“But I can’t sing,” Lance said.
“You won’t sing,” Justine snapped. “You will just play piano for me.”
“No more buts.” Justine was eager. She and Lance had a long history. She was Lance’s life long friend. Since he entered school, Justine was already there. They both love music, and sing together. “Let’s do this one more time.”
“Go one,” Charlemagne encourage. “Make this day special.”
“You have fingers so you can play,” Charles said.
“Do it, for us.” Cheska tapped him in the shoulder.
Lance didn’t answer. Justine dragged her upstage and he sat on the chair and put his fingers on the keys of the piano. Justine meanwhile sat on another chair and tapped his guitar. Sir Mamaradlo – the adviser of the BNPA – put a microphone in front of Justine.
Then they both played their instruments, and Justine sang her song.

Here we are
having a strong bond together
every hour
is always a moment to treasure
Together we stand
Together we’ll fight through
Together we’ll dream
and together we’ll say …

Reaching our dreams we aim
though we’ll be apart from each other
Someday we’ll meet again
don’t be afraid to follow your dreams
‘Coz I’m here, your friend
I’m a friend
we’ll fight till the end

Now we’ve got only one chance
to see and have this glance
1 more year to be passed
and we will let go of each other’s hands
But this will not end
All the things we’ve been through
‘Coz this is the start of
everything new …

Reaching our dreams we aim
though we’ll be apart from each other
Someday we’ll meet again
don’t be afraid to follow your dreams
‘Coz I’m here, your friend
I’m a friend
we’ll fight till the end

It’s the start of our journey
so let’s have faith in Almighty
Standing tall together
One heart forever
All together

*     *     *

Lance walk slowly towards the gate. He returned at BN after graduation that afternoon. The sun was setting again. And he knew, his time here was also done, just like the sun’s job for this day.
He can clearly remember his first day in this school. It was the day he began his journey as a Nationalian, he never thought that his journey will make him one of the steadfast enemies of his former school, Saint Vincent Catholic School. He survived the unearthly words of his freshman teacher Mrs. Soriano, the killer questions and rules of the greatest Biology teacher Ms. Josefa Sabido when he was sophomore; he made it through the deathly equations of his math teachers Mrs. Romero and her brother Mr. Erquiza, and he did manage to solve the given problems of Mrs. Lalalyn Patayan and Mr. Dave Angeles. It was a bitter work, but the results are satisfying, he thought to himself.
Bayambang National High School thought him so much, so many memories to remember.
“A pleasant view eh,” someone said behind him. It was his PE teacher, Mr. Macaranas. He is also their CAT teacher.
“Yes sir,” Lance said. “It is.”
“Maybe it wouldn’t hurt if you give it your last salute, as a Nationalian” Mr. Macaranas said.
Lance smiled. He tapped his leg twice and put his hand on his forehead and saluted the Bayambang National High School.
“Today you made a history here in your Alma Matter,” Mr. Macaranas said in a commander’s voice. “You will be remembered in this school forever.”
Today, Lance’s High School life ended. He had no idea what college life is waiting for him.


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