"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 10 - Heart Over Matter

Best Friends?

“Aw!” Charles said. “It’s the day of CA entrance test!”
“I thought you’re excited about this,” Cheska said. “You even said that you’re an overexcited kid determined to catch your bullet speed dreams!”
“That was your info on the internet, dum-dum,” Charles said. “Ah! I just feel sick, or nervous.”
They walk towards the main building at the University of Bayambang. They have to take the entrance exam here and the test booklets will be sent to the CA campus. There we’re only 17 applicants for CA, and Charles was confident that he’ll get a slot for CA. Cheska and Nova will try to take up the test at CA for fun, they want to have experience before they take Collegio de Dagupan or SLU-CEE.
As they walk, a girl bumped to Lance accidentally. The girl was beautiful and was at their age. She’s wearing a black sleeveless shirt and denim shorts.
“Sorry,” the girl said.
“It’s okay,” Lance said.
“Do you know where the main building is located?” the girl asked. “I’m not actually familiar about this place.”
“Well it’s your lucky day!” Charles said. “We’re heading for that building too! Maybe you can come with us.”
“That would be very nice of you. Thank you,” the girl said. “My name is Nicole.”
Oh great, she has the same name as my childhood best friend, Lance thought.
“I’m Charles, and this is my brother Lance and our friends Cheska and Nova.”
As they walk, Charles started to chat with the girl. Lance’s forehead creased. The girl irritates her for no reason, but he feels like he’s eight years old again. Having Nicole around made her think of her childhood best friend Nicole.
When they reached the building, they headed for their assigned room. The exam will start in an hour.
Nicole sat between Lance and Charles. Lance will glance at Nicole once and a while, she seemed familiar to him. But for an unknown reason, she bugs him.
“Are you mute?” Nicole asked “Can’t you speak?”
“What am I suppose to say?” Lance asked.
“Anything,” Nicole answered. She look at Lance while she talks to him, there was a spark in Nicole’s eyes as she look to Lance. “Your brother here is a blabber.”
Lance didn’t answer.
“You know, not speaking a word for a while will spoil your saliva,” Nicole said. “And it tends to be lethal.”
Lance still didn’t answer.
“I’s rude not to answer if you’re being spoken to,”
Lance still didn’t give her a word.
“Didn’t your parents teach you some manners?” Nicole said. There was a sound of irritation in her voice.
“They did,” Lance finally answered. “Actually they even told me not to talk to strangers.
“I thought we’re already introduced to each other?”
“Is this your idea for a small talk?” Lance blurted. He’s not usually as rude as this, but he can’t explain why he is this mad today. He can’t help but smile or even be irritated. He doesn’t know why.
“Why do you hate me so much? You still don’t know me” Nicole said.
“Let’s just say I’m allergic to you.” Lance answered then he gave Nicole a crook smile. “I’m just kidding.”
Nicole can’t explain it, but whenever Lance look at him, her heart starts to pound fast, and Lance only made it worst when he smiled at her.
“Okay,” Lance took a deep breath and cleared his head. Maybe she’s worth to be a friend. “Sorry, I’m being rude.”
“It’s okay,” Nicole answered. “So what university you wish to pass?”
“Cardinal’s” Lance answered. “But if I won’t pass, maybe I’ll just enroll here at UB. The professors anyway are graduates from different respected universities.”
“I think you’ll pass,” Nicole said. “You remind me of someone I know.”
“You too,” Lance said. “My childhood best friend.”
“That’s strange,” Nicole said. “You remind me of a person whom I haven’t seen for years.”
“So, were did you came from?” Lance asked.
“I came from Manila,” Nicole answered. “I graduated high school at Adamson. Do you know that you can’t enter Adamson if you’re an Atenista?”
“Yeah,” Lance said. “Falcons versus Eagles, but I think you can’t enter Adamson if you’re an outsider.”
“I have a question,” Nicole asked. “By any chance, do you know a boy named Robert?”
“Robert?” Lance smiled.  Maybe this Nicole is really my Nicole, my best friend. “There are too many Robert here.”
“He’s about our age,” Nicole said. “But I don’t know what his family name is now. I don’t know where he is or what he looks like. You see, he’s an orphan and he ran away from the orphanage we came from. I think he looks like you a little bit.”
“Really?” Lance smiled. She is! She is Nicole. “Maybe we can find him. I know him very well. So Robert and I will see you tonight?”
“Tonight?” Nicole exclaimed. “Okay, I’ll just call you later.”
“No! I’ll call you instead.” Lance exclaimed.
“Okay,” Nicole said. “Are you sure he’s the right Robert I’m looking for?”
“I don’t know,” Lance said. “But you’ll know when you see him.”

*     *     *

“Are you sure?” Cheska said. “What if she’s not Nicole? I mean your best friend Nicole.”
“What proof do you want?” Charles said. “Her name is Nicole and she’s looking for a Robert who looks like Lance. It can’t be other person.”
“Lance, you could have just said that you’re Robert,” Nova said. “Why are we preparing this kind of stuff? It’s like wedding proposal.”
“I want it to be special!” Lance said. “The head mistress agreed anyway.”
“It’s too much waste of money if you ask me.” Cheska said.
“Well I’m not asking you,” Lance laughed.
“Ouch,” Cheska said.
“Sorry,” Lance apologized.
Sige lad tan,” Cheska said. “But you have to excuse us to our parents 1st or they’ll kill us if we come home late.”
“I already called your parents. Mrs. Amilyn for you and Mr. Felipe for Nova,” Charles said.
They are preparing for a surprise for Nicole. It will be a grand surprise for her. Lance wanted this to be the surprise of a lifetime for her. It’s been 8 years since they’ve seen each other so Lance figured that it should be something special.

*     *     *

“Where are you?” Nicole whispered. She’s waiting in the town plaza of Bayambang. It’s already 7 in the evening. Lance said he’ll pick me up by 6. Nicole looked up into the sky; there were stars, more than usual. They we’re like flakes of light in the dark. At last well meet again, Robert.
“Nicole,” someone called behind her. Nicole burst in her seat and turned around. It was Cheska and Nova wearing pink dresses.
“Did I miss a party?” Nicole said.
“No,” Nova said. “Come with us.”
“Where?” Nicole asked.
Neither Cheska nor Nova answered. They half-dragged Nicole to Charles’ car and they put a blind fold in her eyes. “What’s this?” Nicole asked, she half-smiled which is a sign of intrigue and excitement.
“Just wait. First we are going to Cheska’s house. You will change you clothes.” Nova said.
After a few minutes, Nicole found herself wearing a white dress. Cheska’s eldest sister –Aimee – fixing her hair and putting light make up on her face. “Are we going to a prom?” Nicole asked.
“No,” Nova answered. “Just don’t ask too many questions. You’ll find out later.”
“Don’t worry,” Cheska said. “This will be your finest night.”
“You’re done!” Aimee said. Nicole stood up and looked at her reflection on the mirror. “You look like a goddess,” Aimee complemented. “I just hope I have a sister like you.”
“Well you have me!” Cheska said.
“Oh hush little lady!” Aimee said. “Nicole here is more beautiful than you are.”
“Hmm, sige lad tan.” Cheska whispered.
“Here,” Nova handed Nicole the blind fold. “Put this on.”
Nicole didn’t argue and put the blind fold in her eyes, and once again they dragged her to Charles’ car.
“Are you ready?” Charles asked. “To meet Robert I mean.”
“I’m kindda nervous,” Nicole said. “I’m excited, I’m happy; I don’t know what to feel!”
“I think I understand,” Cheska said.
After a few minutes, Nicole felt the car stopped. The doors opened and Nova whispered, “Count one-to-ten and then remove your blind fold.” Then Nicole heard the doors shut close.
“1,” Nicole started.

“Run! Run!” Nova said.
“No,” Cheska said. “Hide! Hide!”

“4,” Nicole counted while rubbing her palms.

Nova, Charles and Cheska ran towards bushes. Charles, being the fastest runner came first and had the best part, then came Nova. But Cheska jumped over a rock and fell knee first and face down.
“Cheska!” Nova laughed. “Hey what are you! What happened?” Nova laughed hysterically.
“1! 2! 3!” Charles counted while laughing.

“8,” Nicole counted and took a deep breath.

Cheska didn’t move. She’s laughing at herself. Nova and Charles dragged her behind the bushes where they laughed. “Where did you get your stupidity anyway?” Charles asked. “Wa poise.”
“I thought for a second that I’ll hit my head first.”

“10,” Nicole finally finished. “Okay this is it!” Nicole removed her blind fold and went out of the car. She was immobilized. She’s standing in front of Joan of Arc orphanage. The porch light was open, but the lights inside were closed. She walked inside and closed her eyes. Memories flood in her mind and tears swell in her eyes. “I’m here, I’m back.”
Just as when she’s in the middle of the front yard of the orphanage, everything lit up. There were Christmas lights everywhere. They were like fireflies in every corner of the place. Nicole smiled and heard someone behind her, “Welcome back, best friend.”
Nicole turned and saw a guy with a face of a handsome angel. It was Lance. “Does this means that you’re…?”
“Yes, I’m Robert.” Lance said. Lance smiled and gestured to give a hug to Nicole. Nicole then held Lance tight and laughed while tears flow freely in her eyes. “Sorry I didn’t tell you a while a go that I’m Robert.”
“It’s okay,” Nicole said. “This is wonderful; a little bit corny but sweet.”
“Then maybe you can call it sweet corn,” Charles said.
“Nice try Charles,” Nova said.
“Look at them,” Cheska said. “They look magnificent with each other.”
Charles then suddenly felt his heart tighten, he felt his knees weaken and felt something he can’t explain what. What is this?
“They look perfect,” Nova said.
Am I jealous? Charles thought. It can’t be! I can’t.
As Nicole held Lance tight, she felt butterflies in her stomach and there was something that made her cheeks reddened. In that second, Nicole knew that she’s really in love with her best friend.


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