"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chapter 4 - Heart Over Matter

The Nationalians

“It’s so hot!” Nova complained while they walk uphill towards their Physics class.
“Just stop complaining,” Charles said. “Just feel the sun, the sun gives you vitamin D anyway.”
Dark vitamin,” said Lance. “Yeah, I wish I could rid of that thing.”
“Easy for you to say,” Cheska said to Lance. Then she sighed. “No matter how many hours you walk under the sun, you’re skin was still in its pinkish white color. I wish I could have your skin.”
“Just stop talking,” said Charles. “It will tire you more. We are climbing a mountain!”
“Whoever suggested building this school in a hill, I wish he rot in hell!” Lance cursed.
The Bayambang National High School, it was one of the most respected schools in their region. The governor of there province and even some of the known and respected public figure in the Pangasinan is a product of that school. But as Charles often say, carrying the name of Bayambang national High School is a great honor and great responsibility, but discrimination was a package deal. Students from other schools often insult the BNHS students. But the Nationalians were humble enough not to say a word, and show them that they have the brains. The products of the BNHS top on University of the Philippines, Mapua Institute, Saint Louis University, any school, you name it!
Nationalians are also proud that they gather awards on journalism, broadcasting, sports, academics, and several competitions. They are proud, proud not because of pride, but because of the Glory the name they hold.
“Thank goodness! At last we made it here,” Charles said as they approached the Science Park, formerly known as Junior’s Park, where their room was located.
“I wonder how we can survive an everyday life like this,” Lance added.
Lance and Charles we’re both part of IV-2 class, stands for fourth year section two. Charles called them the IV-2 Guild, because they have one mission. The sections in their school were arranged according to their grades.
“Hey, are the IV-1 still inside?” said Cheska.
“I think they left already.” Nova answered.
“RUN!!!” Charles shouted. The four of them started running towards the precious chairs in front.
Since the IV-1 started their investigatory project and defense are being done lately, the room was arranged into an arrangement Lance and Charles call “defense mode” or “defense position.” There we’re two rows of chairs on both sides of the room facing each other, and 5 rows of chairs in between and a laboratory table in front of the 1st row of chairs. There was a cabinet behind which was filled with books and movies and a computer set in front. The walls we’re painted with white wall paint and were decorated with optical illusions and the pictures of the IV-1. Sir Dave, our physics teacher was their adviser. There were two boards in front – chalk and white board. There was also a chalk board behind the rows of chairs intended for the IV-1, they put various messages there. In our room in Math department, IV-2 has a cork board, and has the same purpose as the IV-1’s.
Sir Dave was sitting in his desk in front and was surprised by 4 students running and giggling followed by 29 more students crowding at the door.
“Ah, why?” Sir Dave asked. “Why are you running? My goodness, you’re like section 22!”
Nobody answered. Charles, Lance, Cheska and Nova sat in the front row. It’s the perfect place where you could sit in the room. Considering that it was the farthest part of the room from the windows, that part was well ventilated because of the ceiling fans above, and they can focus on physics, which by the way, Lance call it “Cold Blooded Science” because it’s boring and hard.
The class started early, so it means the class will be dismissed early. As the teacher continued to talk about acceleration, delta-v and delta-x, v-sub-f, Lance wasn’t listening. Charles, Nova and Cheska we’re murmuring and giggling once and a while. Almost half of the class was out because of the cheer dancing competition. So the interest of the class was lessened. Everyone has their own business – waving bands, chit chatting, texting, reading notes, some listened to Sir Dave and there were few who we’re asleep.
Lance looked outside and observed the students pass.
The Nationalians differ from each other. Some we’re thin, some we’re fat, some we’re dark, and some we’re small. They differ in so many ways. Some of the students here are repeaters; it was a shame that they already repeated high school for several times. What a pity, Lance thought.
After class, Cheska, Nova, Charles and Lance proceeded to the acacia tree beside the BNHS Cooperative. Their PE teacher was out, so they can go home early, but they decided to stay for a while.
The wind blew nicely and cold, while the sun was covered by the emerald green leaves of the acacia tree. “This was perfect,” Charles said nicely. “I wish it would be like this everyday.” He closed his eyes and breathed in the air, but when he finally opened his eyes, his eye balls almost popped out from its sockets.
He saw Anne – their classmate when they we’re in grade school. Charles had a crush on her before. She was small, skinny with long hair. She was wearing their school uniform, white blouse and blue checkered skirt. She was with Brenda and Chel which Charlemagne – the superior in IV-2 – always talk about. But believe me, they weren’t that pleasant things about them.
Summer looked like their classmate Jahaciel – bulging eyes, and black hair with bangs that made their hair looked like wig. The only difference was Brenda’s hair was longer.
“Is it just me, or that Brenda looked cute?” Charles said. Anne spotted them and drag the two towards Lance and the others. But as the trio approached Charles said, “Well, I regret saying her cute! As in major-major regret!”
“She looked pretty in a distance,” Nova said.
“Yeah,” Lance agreed. “I wish she just remained where she was so she’ll remain pretty. Okay, prepare Nationalians, the Zombies are coming!”
One of their classmates, Jil-anne, joke that the reason why Bayambang National High School has many plants was to protect the students from zombies because Nationalians has the brains. Plant versus Zombies yoh!
“Hello!” Anne greeted. She held Lance and Nova’s hand. “Long time no see.” Her voice was small and sweet, but behind that sweetness was the stinking odor of her school’s manner.
“Anne, let’s get outta here,” Brenda said, scratching her arms. “I’m allergic to losers, and these filthy people.”
“Yeah,” Lance agreed. “So welcome to BNHS, home of the brains.” All of them chuckled. Nova, Charles and Cheska chuckled because they didn’t expect Lance to say that. Lance was supposedly quiet and the one to stop anyone if they crossed out of line. But he’s the one starting it now.
“Brains?” Chel said. “Do you have any?” Then the evil witches laughed.
“Yeah, we have many,” Charles said. “Would you like some?”
Uh-oh! Nova thought. She knew that if Charles was the one to talk, he could be unstoppable. But not today.
“No thanks,” Chel answered. “We don’t accept rejects.
Cheska and Nova remained silent. Nova silently alerted all the IV-2 students. She texted them – even the cheer dancers – to come saying, “IV-2, a war is about to come right now. Help us here at Coop.” and she never failed. All of them came, they gathered. Mylene, one of the IV-2, stop them from coming. Charlemagne and Lawrence also help. They said they should observe, but hidden behind the crowd. It might cause a commotion or even draw the attention of the guards if ever they gather around them.
“It is best if we just stay out of their sight,” Mylene said. “No one seems to bother looking anyway.”
Rejects?” Lance said to the Vincentians. “You mean 1st class! We are award winning broadcasters, writers, athletes. We always win on academic contest. Do you have one? Oh yeah! You have two from the previous journalism workshop.”
“While we have almost all of it, what a shame,” Charles said. “Especially for the fact that we are the ones you called ‘morons’.”
“We are not ashamed. We are as proud as ever,” Brenda reasoned out.
“Pride is not the opposite of shame, but it is the source of it,” Lance said. “You entered a place where we rule, you entered a kingdom where your fiercest enemies dwell, and you entered a realm where people hate your kind. You entered the Bayambang National High School where brains rule. Now I have a question,” Lance looked down and glared at them, and gave them a crooked smile. Andrae – Charles’s seatmate in almost every subject – called the devil’s look. “What entered your rotting brains and enter a school where your intelligence is compared to their drop outs?
The three didn’t answer. The IV-2 smiled, “Let’s go,” Chel said and walked out. When they reached the bent on the road leading towards the gate, Chel shouted “Stupid!!!”
All the students looked at the pathetic girl walk fast after shouting. Almost everybody laughed because of her stupidity; she’s being immature on a crowd.
“I thought you’ll never make it,” Charlemagne commented. “I thought something bad was really happening. Nova’s message was…exaggerated.”
“I thought for a sec that Chel might jump right on me,” Cheska said.
“I thought she’ll pee on her skirt when you looked at her with that devil’s eyes,” said Andrae.
It was a bit of commotion, and a topic. It could be a trending topic on every social networking site. After an hour, IV-2 was back to work their own businesses. Then when the place was clear, Lance asked, “Is that look really scary, or just irritating?”


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