"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chapter 5 - Heart Over Matter 2


“Are you free tonight?” Lance asked Nicole.
“You’re asking me for a date?” Nicole asked Lance. She can’t keep her grin out of her face.
“Yeah, sort of,” Lance said. He scratched his head and blushed a bit.
“Pick me up tonight by 8,” Nicole said cheerfully.
“Okay, eight, I’ll see you later then. I’ll pick you in your house,”
“No, I’ll just see you in the park tonight; there will be a little party in the house, courtesy by my father. The house will be filled with old people. If my Dad sees you, he won’t let us leave until he introduces you to all of his friends,”
“What’s wrong with that?” Lance asked in curiosity.
“He’ll introduce you to them one by one,”
“Oh, okay. I’m convinced. I’ll see you later then,” Lance gave Nicole a goodbye kiss in her forehead and then he left.
“I think… It’s time for us to go to a boutique to buy some dress for you,” Cheska said.
“Yeah, it will be fun. We haven’t bond together since the two of you came back,” Nova said.
“Okay, let’s go!” Nicole said enthusiastically.
Cheska called her sister Aimee to accompany them to the mall or to any boutique in the city. Aimee drove them to the nearest boutique — Kristine Boutique. There were only few people inside the boutique, Nicole then noticed a little girl sitting on the sofa while holding her doll. The girl was not looking at anyone, or anything.
Nicole approached the little girl. She sat beside her and said, “Hello,”
“Hi,” the girl greeted back. She didn’t bother glancing at Nicole. “Who are you?”
“I’m Nicole,” Nicole said. “May I ask who you are?”
“I’m Sandy,” the girl said. “And I’m four years old.”
Nicole smiled at the poor little girl. She’s pretty, but Nicole noticed that she’s not looking at anyone, and her eyes… the girl was blind. “Where’s your mom?”
“She’s somewhere inside this shop. We own this you know,” Sandy said.
“Sandy,” a lady said behind her. The lady was tall, beautiful and about Nicole’s age. “Are you bothering our costumer here?”
“No,” Nicole said. “Actually, I’m the one who bothered this little girl here. Are you the mother of this girl?”
“Yes,” the lady answered. She gave her hand to Nicole. “I’m Kristine Vallejo.”
Nicole took her hand and shook it. “Vallejo…” she whispered.
“Why? Do you know someone by the name of Vallejo?” Kristine asked.
“Yeah,” Nicole said. “An old friend… Charles.”
Kristine smiled. “Charles, he’s my husband.”
“Really? What a coincidence,” Nicole said. Kristine sat beside her and Sandy in the sofa. “It’s been a long time since the last time I saw Charles.”
“I never saw you since I met Charles, how come?”
“It’s a long story,” Nicole said. “But it’s all a history now.”
“I’m sure he wants to see you, but I regret that he’s on a conference in Japan. He’s working hard to save their family industry.”
“Yeah, I heard what’s happening in their business. He must be struggling with all of these things.”
“So, why are you here in my boutique? Are you going to buy something?”
“Well, I’m looking for a dress…” Nicole said shyly.
“A dress for a date?” Kristine asked.
“Then I’m just the girl to help you find the perfect dress,” Kristine said.
Nicole and Kristine joined Cheska, Nova and Aimee and looked for a dress. Cheska and Aimee looked for shoes and Nova looked for accessory. Kristine finally found a dress for Nicole.
“This is perfect,” Kristine said.
“Beautiful,” Aimee agreed.
“Fantastic,” Nova said.
“But how am I supposed to wear that? That was too sexy,” Nicole said.
Again, they searched for a new dress and forgot the time. The girls bond together, and finally, they found the dress.
“Can I ask you something?” Kristine asked.
“Yeah, sure,” Nicole said.
“How… how did you meet Charles?”
It took Nicole a moment, how can I tell her that I’m Charles’ ex-girlfriend because I used him to make Lance jealous. “I’m her brother’s girlfriend.”
“Oh, Lance. His Dad always talks about him,”
“How is he? How’s Uncle Greg?” Nicole asked.
“He’s paralyzed; he met an accident which caused his coma. When he woke up, he’s paralyzed,” Kristine said.

*     *     *

Lance drove towards the park. It’s already 6:45. Nicole is waiting for him at the park. Lance planned a simple date; he’s taking her out just like every guy would do. Lance still wears the heirloom of the Vallejo family, and Nicole still wears the pair. But tonight, Lance plans to replace it with another ring. He has a silver ring doted with small diamonds in his pocket. It caused a fortune, but if it’s for Nicole, Lance didn’t give a second thought and bought the ring.
The road was wet because of the rain that afternoon. The road was slippery and it was dangerous to drive fast, but Lance still drove his car a little bit faster. When Lance reached a crossroad, a blinding light struck him and he closed his eyes.
A truck hit his car.  Lance tried to control his car but he failed, the truck hit his car hard enough that it sent his car flying. The car hit the ground upside down, and Lance lost consciousness.
The driver of the truck went to see if Lance’s okay; his granddaughter came after him.
“How is he?” the daughter asked.
“I don’t know, but I think we should take him to the hospital,” the driver said.

*     *     *

Nicole sat in one of the benches at the park. It’s already 8:15 but Lance’s still not there. Did he forget? Nicole thought. She took her phone and called Lance, but Lance’s phone didn’t ring. His phone was turned off. She then decided to call Lance’s condo.
“Hello,” Lance answered.
“Where are you?” Nicole asked angrily.
“Sorry but no one’s home. Please leave you’re message after the beep,” Lance said. It was just an answering machine.
Maybe he’s on his way here, Nicole thought. She waited and looked up into the sky. The sky was filled with stars, and you won’t think that it has rained that afternoon. She reached to her neck and felt the star pendant which Lance gave her. Suddenly, her phone rang. Mark’s calling.
“Hello?” Nicole answered it.
“Nicole? Where are you? Come here at the hospital quickly,” Mark said, in a panicking voice.
“Why? What happened?” Nicole asked.
“Lance! Lance’s dead!” Mark said.

*     *     *

Nicole rushed into the hospital with tears in her eyes. Lance… Lance is dead? But… It can’t be…
She saw Nova and Cheska sitting beside the morgue; their expression was hard to define. Nicole slowly walks towards them. So it’s true.
“What happened?” Nicole asked but no one answered.
Nicole entered the morgue and saw a body covered with white cloth. Slowly, she touch the head of the body and she cried. Lance no.
“Lance!” Nicole cried out.
“Nicole!” Nova and Cheska suddenly burst from their seat. “What are you doing?”
“How can you leave me?” Nicole said. “We still have plans, you promised me that we’ll be happy, Lance how could you!”
“Nicole, stop it,” Cheska said while laughing. Nova laughed as well.
“Why are you laughing? Do you find Lance’s death so funny?” Nicole said.
“No,” Nova said. “We find you so funny.”
“Wait, give me a minute or two,” Cheska said.
“Why are you laughing?”
Nova pulled the cloth from the cadaver and revealed a dead body of a guy they don’t know. Oops… Nicole thought.
“What are you thinking? Lance’s still alive, he’s on a private room upstairs,” Cheska said.
“Huh? But Mark said he’s dead.” Nicole said.
“That’s what he thought, but Lance’s okay,”
They climbed upstairs towards the second floor. They went inside Lance’s room. Lance’s still sleeping. He has a bandage around his head. He’s still alive. Mark was sitting beside him. He looked at Nicole and said, “Sorry for the wrong information.”
“It’s okay,” Nicole said.
“Yeah, she just cried on a different body on the morgue!” Nova said and they laughed again.
Nicole sat beside Lance. She ran her fingers in his hair and kissed his forehead. Mark told her what happened and a guy named Joseph Mendiola.
“The doctor said he’s okay,” Mark said. “But a lot of blood was lost, and his head was badly injured, so let’s prepare ourselves for the worst.”
Lance suddenly groaned. Nicole looked at him, and suddenly he opened his eyes. The first person that Lance saw was Nicole.
“He’s awake,” she said. Lance just look at her.
“Yeah, let’s prepare ourselves for the worst,” Nova repeated.
“Are you okay?” Mark asked.
“I’m going to hit your car later, then let’s see if your going to feel okay,” Nova said.
“Who…” Lance whispered. His head ached a bit and that stopped him.
“What do you feel? Do you want to eat something?” Nicole asked.
“Who…” Lance said again.
“Quit saying ‘who’,” Cheska said.
“Who are you?” Lance said and the room fell silent.
Let’s prepare ourselves for the worst,” Cheska repeated.


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