"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chapter 4 - Heart Over Matter 2

Ghost from the Past

Nicole was lying in her bed — her head is aching, her fever reached 39°c and now she has colds. “Sorry about last night,” she said over the phone.
“It’s okay,” Lance said. “My car would spend a day on the car wash. It’s you I’m worried about. How are you?”
“Not well,” Nicole answered. “I can’t taste my foods well because of the colds and I feel dizzy. I can’t go to school because of this flu.”
“I’m going to visit you later after class,” Lance said. “What do you like me to bring for you?”
“I like some fruits but don’t bother anymore to bring anything,”
Lance hanged up the phone. Nicole put down the telephone and covered her nose as she sneezes.

*     *     *

The bell rings loud again, everyone inside the classroom rejoiced! It’s the end of the class, and its Friday. The professor dismissed them and everyone walked towards the door. Lance stood up from his desk. He’s the first who went outside the classroom.
Lance half-ran towards his car, he’s worried and excited to see Nicole. He drove downtown with his usual speed with his first car — the car he used when he took Nicole to watch the meteor shower. He parked his car in front of a drugstore to buy medicine for Nicole. The pharmacist flirted with him but he didn’t pay her much attention.
After that, he walked slowly towards the flower shop owned by the decrepit old woman, Mrs. Viray, to buy some tulips for Nicole. He bought 24 pieces and Mrs. Viray arranged the flowers into a bouquet for him. He’s a regular costumer of her flower shop, so she always gives him a big discount.
While the lady arranges the bouquet, Lance looked for a flowering plant for Nicole’s foster mom. Her mom was fond of plants — flowering or medicinal — and she’ll appreciate it if he brings her one or two. He took a flowerpot with morning glory and put it on the counter. Behind him, the door opened and the wind chimes chimed. Lance turned and saw someone — a ghost from his past.
“Lance,” the man said. The man wears an elegant coat and he looked like a professor or businessman. Lance looked at him in the eye. He looked older that Lance now, unlike before.
“Charles,” Lance whispered. The shop was silent, but the tension between them was heavy, Mrs. Viray though was unaware and not minding the two.
“How are you?” Charles asked. “What are you doing nowadays?”
“I’m still studying, soon I’ll be a doctor,” Lance whispered. “I just returned from US, I took my records and continued my studies here.”
“You studied at US? Wow, that was nice,” Charles complemented. “You’re lucky in life.”
“Yeah,” Lance agreed. “Everyone says that. But I always say that it’s all just a coincidence.”
“So how did you…?”
“I had a patient once; I inherited a small fortune from him,”
“How’s Nicole?”
“She’s sick. She has flu. I’m going to visit her later, do you want to come with me?”
“No, I need to take my daughter out,”
“How old is Sandy?”
Charles was shocked. How did he know the name of my daughter? “How did you…?”
“You’re mom told me everything,” Lance smiled. “I’m still studying at a Med School in US two years ago, and she’s my patient.”
“How come we didn’t know about this?”
“I asked your mom not to tell anyone about that,”
“That’s why we haven’t seen her doctor, not even once. It’s always a nurse or another doctor who visits her.”
“Lance,” Mrs. Viray interrupted. “Your bouquet is done.”
Lance paid the bouquet and the plant to Mrs. Viray. Charles was looking at him, Lance didn’t change a bit. He’s still the same Lance, even the way he wear clothes, his hair, and everything.
“Good bye,” Lance said to Charles.
“So we’ll see you soon?” Charles asked. When he said “we’ll” Lance knew that he means his dad, cousins and everyone.
“I’m not looking forward to it,”

*     *     *

Lance sat beside Nicole who’s still lying in her bed. Her mom was so happy because of the plant he bought for her. He gave the bouquet to Nicole and put down a basket of fruits in Nicole’s desk with a bag of medicine.
“I saw Charles in the flower shop?” Lance said.
Nicole sneezed twice — it sounded like a sneezing cat — and said, “What did you say?”
“We greeted each other, I said nothing. I just answered his questions,”
“How is he doing?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t ask,”
“Come on, I know you knew better than that. You can judge by just looking the way he looks,”
“Okay, he looked stressed, a little — very little — bit older than his age. I think it’s because of their falling business. Let us not talk about it, let’s just talk about you. Do you still feel bad?”
“Not that much,” Nicole smiled. “Specially that you’re here sitting beside me.”
“Hoity-toity,” Lance said sarcastically. “Ha-ha.”
“Tsk! I’m dead serious!” Nicole said.
Lance bent his back so that his face will be nearer to Nicole’s. Both of them can smell the breath of each other, the moment stopped for them, birds sings in their hearts and finally, angels brought them to the sky as Lance kissed Nicole with their eyes close.


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