"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Chapter 5 - Best Of Friends

I can feel the cold wind and enters my room and it chills my spine, I can hear Christmas carol and people greeting each other a Merry Christmas. Our Christmas tree downstairs is filled with presents. We’re going to spend Christmas here at my Grandmum’s place, and Amanda will spend it on her suitor’s place. Uncle Hugo asked her to spend it there, he asked me too but I refused. Who, that is in his normal thinking capacity, would like to see the girl he likes be with the family of her suitor?

We’ve been here for a week, and we’re planning to spend another week here. My Grandmum lives on the sea side. I love to sleep and wake up on the sound of the waves crashing on the bay, smelling the salty air and feeling the breeze in the morning. Before we leave our house, Amanda gave me my Christmas present early, it was silver Superman ring. I laughed as I gave her present, she laughed too when she found out that it was a silver Wonder Woman necklace.

Mum, Dad, and Grandmum is cooking on the kitchen, my sister’s outside talking with Carlo on the phone while I just sat on my room, just staring on the ocean. I can remember living here all summer when I was ten when my Granddad died. It was a tragic summer, really, for me. I need to spend the whole summer in this boring place where I could just have spent it at home and played with my friends.

I tried to call Amanda today, three times, but she didn’t answer it so I called Jeremy. He sounded so happy and excited. “Hiya buddy!”
“Jer have you talked with Amanda today?” I asked. “I tried to call her, but she didn’t answer.”

“Yeah, I talked to her over the phone about fifteen minutes ago,” Jeremy said. “I’m pressured, Ben! Amanda told me that his Uncle and Aunt will come over for Christmas Eve to! God, I’m excited.”

I froze. It took me more than just few seconds to process what I just heard. Her Aunt and Uncle will go to the Centino’s for Christmas dinner with Amanda? Did I hear it right? “Hey Ben? Are you still there?”

“Oh,” I said as I finally processed what is happening there back home. “That’s great, great indeed.”

“I wish you were here, Ben. Who knows what will happen tonight!” Jeremy said.

“Yeah, yeah,” I said. “Hey, uhm, listen. I need to go now because I need to run some errands (Liar!). I’d love to talk but I gotta go.”

“Okay, sure buddy,” Ben said and I hung up.

I thought to myself, what will you do if your best friend’s courting the girl you love?

Well, I don’t know the answer myself. I was struggling to answer that question for a year now and I still can’t answer it. At first I was so confident that Amanda won’t say yes to Jeremy, but now...
...it’s different.

*     *     *

“Merry Christmas,” Grandmum greeted us.

“Merry Christmas,” we all said. We are now sitting on the kitchen table and about to start our small feast, but it’s traditional that the oldest person who’s present in the dining table will give a message before we start eating.

“Tonight, as we all know, is the Christmas Eve,” Grandmum started. “I would like to thank you all for travelling all the way here to spend Christmas with me. I’m getting old and I don’t think I can go and travel as often as before. I’m not sure how many Christmas can I wait to come; I might pass a way one of these days...”

“Mom, don’t say that,” Mum said. “You’re still strong and healthy.”

“But I’m not getting any younger, Carol,” Grandmum said. “One of these days, I’ll meet your Grandfather again, and I’ll tell him how wonderful our grandchildren are...”

“Don’t talk like that, Mom,” said Dad. “Let’s just eat and... and enjoy the night.”

And so, we ate our dinner. The dining table was filled with laughter and stories and anecdotes of my Grandmum’s and Granddad’s love story. They met at this town in the year 1957, my Granddad is a fisherman and my Grandmum is a teacher just like Mum. She said that my Granddad fell in love with her the moment he saw her, but of course my Grandmum gave him a bit challenge for courting her. I missed the rest of the details; I just stared at my pasta for the rest of the evening, thinking of what’s happening on the other side of the country at the Centino’s manor.

Uncle Hugo might have bored the Pierce’s with his undying business techniques and how he persuades his business partners to invest on his business. I can’t believe I used the word business three times on the same sentence. Maybe Amanda fell asleep on the dining area while listening to those, I almost did when Uncle Hugo said that at our house. Or what if Amanda and Jeremy are together now? I can’t bear the thought of it; I wish I just stayed at home. Alone, yes, but at least I know what’s happening there.

“Benedict,” Charm whispered. “Are you alright? You’re not touching your food.”

“I’m fine,” I lied as I stare and played my chocolate cake baked by Grandmum.
“That food is supposed to be eaten,” she said. “That’s not a toy to be played with, and you’re not a kid to play. Quit it.”

I dropped my fork on my plate. I sighed, they’re still talking about Grandmum and Granddad’s love story. Then after a few minutes, it’s time to open our presents. Grandmum gave each of us a present, she gave Mum and Charm each a pair of shoes, and she gave Dad a new phone and gave me an iPod. I gave Grandmum a new hat, she likes hat. Charm and I saved money to buy Mum and Dad a couple’s wrist watch.

Mum and Dad gave me a small piece of square thing that is wrapped with gift wrapper. I know what’s in it before I opened it, and I was right! It was a book. My sister gave me a box, and I was surprised when I opened it! A new camera, and not just a camera, it’s a professional camera, DSLR!!!

We spent a whole hour taking pictures with my new camera. I wished someone will give me a car for 
Christmas. But it’s not yet too late if someone decides to give me one; I’m willing to wait until New Year!
After we washed the dishes and said our goodnights, we all went to our rooms and turned off the lights. I was about to close my eyes when my phone rang. It was the tone that does differ from the others; I set a different tone with Amanda’s number. I know its Amanda calling.

“Ben,” Amanda said. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas Amanda,” I said. “How’s the dinner with Jeremy’s family?”

“It was great,” she said. “But I got bored with Dad talking about his business—”

“Dad?” I interrupted.

“Oh, sorry,” Amanda said. “I forgot. Jeremy’s dad told me to call him Dad. He said its okay since Jeremy and I were together now.”

Oops, a tear slipped from my eye. I can’t believe it. Amanda and Jeremy? She forgot to tell me her supposedly great news before greeting me a Merry Christmas. My mind got the thought, but... but my heart wont. Am I just dreaming? I-I don’t know what to feel. I’m not even aware that tears pooled my eyes and they dropped one by one.

“Ben, are you still there?” Amanda asked. “Hey, I’m sorry I forgot to tell you.”

“No, it’s okay,” I lied, my voice is shaking. It’s not okay, I’m not okay. My best friend and the girl I love have a relationship now other than being friends, how am I supposed to be okay? “That’s cool! I need to go Amanda, I have to do something.” I hang the phone cutting what she’s trying to say.

I lay on my bed, bathing my pillows with tears, and let the moon and stars witness how I breathe with a broken heart. I heard my phone rang its still Amanda who’s calling. I didn’t answer; I don’t want to hear what she’s going to say. I can’t stop crying stupidly, I don’t want her to hear me crying. I ignored it until it stopped ringing. I wish the earth will split and devour me and never bring me back. I feel so bad that I wanted to die in this very moment. I tried to sleep, but I can’t, my heart and my mind are enjoying the last Christmas gift I had just received before the sun has risen.


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