"There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been." - Hugh Jackman

Friday, October 14, 2011

Chaper 4 - Best Of Friends

Ever since Peter and Amanda broke up, Jeremy seems to be more enthusiastic on showing his feelings for Amanda. I didn’t talk about it with him, but I want to tell him he’s beginning to look stupid. After I topped my class last year (I’m on my second year now), Jeremy seemed to be more competitive than ever. It was, as if, his father told him not to let me beat him. Well, it was normal for parents to say those things to their children; I always hear it from Dad.

 “Never let Jeremy beat you on class,” he said.

Well, I didn’t have put an effort to beat him on class, especially that he has a poor study habits. Three times a week, I give him free tutorials. We started to have our duties on hospitals after our Capping and Pinning Ceremonies three months ago. My Mum cried when Dad pinned my pin on my clothes at the stage. Then she never let me use the uniform I used at the ceremony, my Mum is a very sentimental person.

Charm and Carlo graduated from college last year. My sister is now ready to take her licensure exam that’ll be held two weeks from now. She plans to work as soon as possible to help our parents in earning money and giving our family a better life. That sounds like Mum talking.

Jeremy’s Dad bought me a new laptop as a gift for tutoring his son. He said if it wasn’t because of me, his son will fail. Yeah, that’s true, but Jer passed not because I tutored him, it’s because I let him have a good look on my test papers, but I intentionally give him some wrong answers for our scores not to tie. I let him have a 60-75% of the correct answer.

Now, I’m sitting here at the cafeteria with Jer and Amanda for lunch. I barely touched my food, I only stared at it, I’m too busy with doing requirements and I don’t feel hungry unless people ask me if I’m hungry. Amanda was as much as busy as I am; she’s eating though, while Jeremy’s as busy as ever, busy with his new phone. If I didn’t know him better, I’ll think that he’s nothing but a spoiled brat.

“It’s Saturday today,” Jeremy said.

“So?” I said.

“So, it’s Sunday tomorrow,” when neither I nor Amanda answered or said something he added, “It means free day tomorrow!”

“We know,” Amanda said. “But it’s really a free day for us, when I say us I mean you, me, and Ben. We have a lot of things to do.”

“So?” Jer asked stupidly.

“So,” I said raising my voice a bit. “So we can’t go out and hang out tomorrow if that’s what you want.”
“Then let’s hang out tonight,” he said. Amanda and I looked at each other with puzzled expression, and we both shrugged. “We can go to a bar, or have a movie...”

“As you may have notice,” I started. “There’s no bar in this area. And if you’re thinking of going to the next town, forget it! It’s not the bar you’re thinking of, it’s full of dancing naked women, and Dad said there’s always a riot that happens there. If you want to catch a riot and spend the night at prison, then I can’t go with you. What about you Amanda?”

“Certainly not! I will not go!” Amanda said, smiling. “And movies? I don’t think so. Remember that you’re Dad bought us tickets for the premier night of all those movies.”

“Do you have ideas then?” Jer asked. Is he for real? He’s actually asking us to go out when it’s our busiest time ever?

“None,” Amanda said. “But I think we need a break from all these.” Now, Amanda’s in to it.

“Let’s have a bonfire,” I suggested. Since Amanda wants to go out now, then I might as well go with them. “Tonight at the shortcut.”

“Isn’t it dangerous there?” Amanda asked. “I mean there’s no wild animals or snakes there, is there?”

“No, there’s nothing in there but trees and some sort of insects. The woods are completely safe as far as I know,” I said.

“Then, it’s settled!” Jeremy said. “I’ll pick the two of you tonight at 6 and well have a bonfire till dawn.”

*     *     *

We’re now sitting on a tree trunk with a huge bonfire in front of us. We put some mallows on the fire and hotdogs. Jeremy plays the guitar and we all sing together. Now I thank Jeremy for bring up the idea of going out tonight, my mind needs some air from books.

“Here’s another one, I don’t know how to sing this, so it’s up to you two,” Jeremy said and played a familiar song.

“Tried to break love to the science,” Amanda started to sing. “In the act of pure defiance, I broke her heart. As I pulled apart her theories, as I watched her growing weary, I pulled her apart.

“Having heavy conversations, ‘bout the furthest constellations of our souls,” I continued. “And we’re just trying to find some meaning in the things that we believe in, but we got some ways to go.”

“Of all the things that she’s ever said, she goes and says something that just knocks me dead,” we both sang together and we laughed.

“Okay, enough,” Amanda laughed. “Next song please.

Jeremy strummed the guitar again and I started, “What if we we’re made for each other? Born to become best friends and lovers?”

“I want to stay right here,” she continued. “In this moment with you, over and over and over again.”

I just smiled and stop singing. I wish we weren’t singing when she said that. Yeah, what if we we’re made for each other?

“It’s been a year,” Jeremy said and stopped playing, “Since you and Peter broke up.”

“Yeah,” Amanda said. “It’s been a year since my eyes opened wide.”

“Can I ask you something then?” Jeremy asked. Oh no, please, don’t! No! I know what he’s about to say. 

“Can I court you to be my girlfriend?” Damn!

Amanda stared at him with what expression. She blinked three times and she stared at me. I didn’t look at her for I might say “Say no!” Jeremy has a hoping expression in his face, waiting for an answer. No one said a word, no one broke the silence.

Amanda scratched her neck and said, “Why me?”

“I like you since first year Amanda,” Jeremy said. “I wanted to tell you ever since, but you were with Peter then. And when you two broke up I tried to tell you but I know I need to give you time. I tried to make you feel that I have feelings for you and I just got the courage to tell you know.”

“But, Jer, we’re friends,” Amanda said.

“I know, I know, but I’m willing to do anything,” Jeremy said.

“Jer, I don’t want to give you falls hope,” Amanda said.

“Okay,” Jeremy said. I thought he was accepting that he was being dumped. Then he added, “But I want you to know that I won’t give up.”

I gave a false smile and I don’t think that it fooled anyone. So now, Amanda has a new suitor, shit! And it’s my best friend. Damn it! I took a half burned hot dog and took a bite, not minding that it’s hot and it burned my tongue. I chewed it hard and swallowed it fast, I hope I choke and die here now.


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